Regent University will be closed Saturday, January 22, 2022, due to the winter weather.
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Robertson Hall of Regent University, Virginia Beach.

College of Arts & Sciences – Centers & Initiatives

Study Abroad

If you’re looking for an exciting supplement to your academic experience, the opportunity to travel during college offers the perfect chance to apply your studies in different cultural and global contexts. Studying abroad can be one of the richest and most rewarding opportunities in your college career. Learn more.

Honors College

Regent University’s Honors College is about choices — the moral choices that transform you and shape your character. As an Honors student, you can study through a Christian worldview that will help you re-imagine science, the arts, literature, history, theology, economics, family, law, politics — the best of the liberal arts tradition. Benefits include an annual scholarship, priority class registration, an opportunity to publish content as a Center for Christian Thought & Action Fellow, and more. Candidates must submit two essays for consideration. Learn more.

Early College

Are you eager to jumpstart your degree and start college with credits you earned during high school? Through our Early College Program, you can accelerate your education as you earn college credits while homeschooling or finishing high school. You can earn transferable undergraduate credits at a substantial financial savings. Learn more.

“I want to be a biomedical engineer and use it for God's glory around the world. Not only do I want to help physically, but I would also want to help spiritually and emotionally. At Regent, I grew so much mentally, spiritually and emotionally in a way I want to share with others.”
Sheila Atieno, B.S. in Biophysical Sciences, 2021 Master’s Student in Biomedical Engineering, New York University
“A Master of Public Administration with honors — I did that! A single mom, worked full time and a full-time grad student too.”
Keeley Daye, MPA, 2020 Workforce Service Representative, Virginia Employment Commission; Owner, Capture the Daye Photography
“This has been a great experience. Life-changing and thankful to have these new skillsets and understanding.”
Lisa McGrath, MBA, ‘25
“This isn't just a job for me — this is a ministry. Whatever I've done at Regent I've always had the sense that this is what God has called me to do.”
Doris Gomez, Ph.D. Dean, Regent University's School of Business & Leadership
“My college career has been anything but ordinary. But after five years, two schools, two majors, a minor, and a global pandemic, I can finally say that I am a Regent graduate!”
Stephanie Clark, B.S. in Paralegal Studies, 2020