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Law School Admissions & Aid

Your decision to become a lawyer means you are embarking on a life-changing journey that will require dedication. We encourage all prospective law students to begin their law school admissions process with a thorough review of our academic program offerings. We also invite you to learn about some of our impactful alumni and join us for a Law Admissions event to engage with our admissions staff and faculty and gain an in-depth look at Regent University School of Law. View Regent Law’s current ABA Required Disclosure information, including our Employment Summary Report.

4,315 Alumni Work in All 50 States, D.C. & 20 Nations

U.S. map of the total number of J.D. alumni working in all 50 states and D.C.: 3,578.
J.D. Alumni
U.S. map of the total number of M.A. in Law alumni working in all 50 states and D.C.: 737.
M.A. in Law Alumni

Law school admission requirements vary by program. Select your program below to learn how to apply.

Juris Doctor Program Medians

  • LSAT Score: 158
  • GPA: 3.64

Transfer Credit Policy

Students admitted to Regent Law may request that prior J.D. coursework from other law schools be applied to their J.D. degree at Regent University. Read our Transfer Credit Policy for more details.

Joint Degrees

The Joint Degree program at Regent University offers students an opportunity to subsequently earn two master’s degrees from different Regent schools, which may reduce the overall number of credit hours required to earn those degrees. Students enrolled in the full-time J.D. program may obtain a joint degree in business, communication, counseling, or government, earning both degrees in significantly less time than would be required if they were pursued separately.

International Applicants

In addition to the program-specific requirements listed above, international applicants need to submit supplementary admission requirements. These requirements will change depending on several factors, such as citizenship and visa status. For more information, please visit our International Students Admissions page.

Non-Degree Applicants

A lawyer or other professional who would like to increase his or her knowledge in highly specialized and rapidly changing fields of law may apply to law school for admission as a non-degree student. Non-degree students must demonstrate that they have the necessary prerequisites for the course they desire and have the permission of the course instructor before registering. Non-degree students are limited to a maximum of 18 credits. Non-degree students may not enroll in experiential courses such as practicum or internship. Applicants seeking non-degree status must meet the published entrance requirements and must submit the following in the application packet.

  1. Regent University Online Application.
  2. Non-refundable application fee ($65) paid online or by check sent through the mail
  3. Official Undergraduate Degree-Posted Transcript
  4. Goal Statement (Explain your need or interest in pursuing law courses as a non-degree student and your career outcomes)
  5. Current Resume
  6. LSAT Score (If completed)

Non-Degree Students

  • May not transfer earned credits toward a degree-granting curriculum within the law school.
  • Are not eligible to receive financial aid and will submit all course assignments and participate in exams.
  • Must submit the Regent University Online Application
  • May pursue enrollment in selected classes at Regent Law, although priority registration is granted to students earning degrees from Regent University.

Deferring Applicants

One a case-by-case basis, a student may be granted a one-year deferment after being accepted to Regent Law. Learn more.

Regent University and the School of Law are committed to recognizing and rewarding academic excellence. Regent Law awarded more than $6 million in scholarships and grants to the 2020-2021 student body. In recent years, more than 95 percent of our J.D. students have received assistance through some form of financial aid. Regent Law students typically finance their law school education through a combination of personal and family resources, income from employment, educational loans, grants, and scholarship assistance. Additionally, some students secure on-campus graduate assistant positions to supplement their income.

Regent University has many forms of financial aid available* including scholarships, grants, tuition discounts for military and participation in the federal student loan program. Visit the university’s Financial Aid website for information regarding these opportunities.

The law school awards a variety of scholarships, grants, and endowments, which are listed below. Usually, one best award is made to students who qualify. All awards are made for the academic year for the fall and spring semesters. Typically, no awards are made for the summer semester.

All awards are made before the beginning of the academic year, which usually ends in July. Students who receive awards are notified via email. General and partnership awards are posted to student accounts immediately; no further action is needed. Endowed and named awards may require additional student action, which will be communicated via the notification email.

*Courses offered at our HILS host site in South Korea are not eligible for financial aid.

Law School Financial Aid: Scholarships, Grants & Tuition Discounts

Endowed awards are provided to the law school as approved by the university on an annual basis. Award amounts, which are determined by the performance of the endowments, vary from year to year. Most endowments entail specific criterion, and the law school will give an award based on academic standing and demonstrated leadership. Endowments are typically awarded to continuing students and are non-renewable.

A number of scholarship funds have been endowed to the law school and may be awarded annually pending the earning performance of the endowment. Regent Law will select recipients based upon academic performance, spiritual and student leadership, and other criteria as described by each endowment. Most endowed awards require recipients to submit a letter of appreciation to the endowment donor(s); this information will be included in the award notification. Most endowed scholarships do not renew.

  • Resident of Central Florida with the intent to return to Central Florida to practice law
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full- or part-time, student with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Preference given to a descendant or spouse of a graduate from the Regent Law Class of 1997
  • Secondary consideration given to a second-year, full-time student who achieved significant academic improvement during his/her first year
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Current FAFSA submission required
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Preference given to students with the following profile: sons of ministers or missionaries, homeschooled, and domiciled residents of Louisiana.
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full- or part-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Current FAFSA submission required
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full- or part-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Current FAFSA submission required
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time or part-time, student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Preference is given to domiciled residents of Hampton Roads, Virginia
  • Current FAFSA submission required
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Demonstrated interest in Con Law with special focus toward religious freedom, traditional family values and patriotic heritage
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Recipient is selected by the School of Law dean
  • Demonstrated interest in constitutional law
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Current FAFSA submission required

Robert F. and Sara M. Boyd Endowment Law Scholarship

  • Enrolled or accepted into an ABA accredited law school in the United States as of the fall 2019 semester
  • Submitted the required information on or before Thursday, August 1, 2019
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 2.5 GPA
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Commitment to the pro-life cause and defense of religious liberties upon graduation as evidenced in a required one-page essay addressing the student’s experience, goals and worldview relating to these issues
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Current FAFSA submission required
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second- or third-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Awarded to an incoming or current law student in good academic standing who
    • Has overcome significant financial, personal, cultural, and educational obstacles to attend law school
    • Is committed to serving underprivileged and vulnerable communities during and after law school
    • Supports the mission of the Regent Hispanic Law Students Association
  • Priority will be given to Hispanic applicants, but all applicants will be considered
  • Demonstrated spiritual maturity and contribution to the law school or university community
  • Awarded to a second-year, full-time student with a minimum 3.0 GPA
  • Automatic renewal for the student’s third year as funds permit

Law School General Scholarships, Grants & Tuition Discounts

General law school awards are available to most students who satisfy specific award criterion. Funds are provided via the law school’s financial aid budget. Therefore, funding is limited and is typically exhausted by the beginning of the academic year. Most awards renew per the stated criterion.

  • Awarded to new J.D. students based upon academic merit, demonstrated leadership, and harmony of Christian mission
  • Award renews at the existing amount with a 2.0 GPA

If you do not qualify for DVA benefits, you may qualify for Regent Law’s military discount. Regent Law values the service of military members and their families. Details regarding military discounts and other assistance can be found on the Military Admissions & Aid page and Dependent & Spouse Benefits page. Contact the Military Resource Center at 757.352.4757.

  • Full-tuition scholarship
  • Awarded to new J.D. students whose applications demonstrate exceptional academic strength, leadership ability, and spiritual maturity
  • Award renews at the existing amount
  • Awarded to new J.D. students based upon academic merit, calling, and harmony of Christian mission
  • Typically ranges from $1,000 to $10,000
  • Award renews at the existing amount with a 2.0 GPA

Law School Named Scholarships


Named awards entail very specific criterion and may require an essay and/or faculty recommendation. Named awards availability and amounts vary year to year, and recipients are selected by the law school.

  • Established through an endowment provided by the surviving family of Mrs. Jean B. James
  • Granted to a married student who is obedient to God’s call to a mid-career redirection
  • Candidates must be committed to a strong family life and demonstrate academic strength at the honors level, or significant academic improvement after one year of legal study at Regent University
  • Candidates should show significant professional promise as demonstrated in prior work experience or in other substantial endeavors before or during his/her first year at Regent
  • Nominations are encouraged from law faculty and administration
  • Selection will be determined by the James family
  • Award is non-renewable
  • Established in memory of John W. McCormick, one of the founding faculty members of Regent University School of Law
  • Given to a law student who consistently demonstrates a characteristic love for Christ and service to others that so permeated the life of John W. McCormick
  • Preference is given to a married student
  • Granted annually to a student who demonstrates the qualities of servant leadership and perseverance in his/her academic, church and family responsibilities based upon Matthew 20:26-28, Hebrews 12:1-2 and Philippians 3:12-14
  • Application essay should be in response to: how do you press and reach for the upward call of God in your personal Christian walk and service to others (per the scriptures noted above) while fulfilling the demands of law school
  • A nomination by a member of the law school faculty or administration is required
  • Selection will be determined by the donors
  • Award is non-renewable

1L Law School Partnership Scholarships

Awarded to new, first-year students; renewed for continuing students.

Partnership scholarships require prior affiliation with the named ministry, including a letter of recommendation from the current staff member of the ministry chapter in which the student participated. Awards are typically made as students enter law school and include renewal requirements.

Optimizing your LSAT score is an important step to successfully moving toward your degree in law and qualifying for academic scholarships. Regent Law wants to help you succeed. Regent Law offers two LSAT Workshop sessions that focus on the three types of LSAT multiple-choice questions. Additional LSAT components include sessions on the LSAT writing section, legal ethics and education from a Christian perspective, and the process of applying to law school. Both sessions are required.

LSAT Prep Workshop

In this workshop, you will learn:

  • How to estimate time for each question.
  • Which question types to spend additional time practicing.
  • Systematic, substantive techniques to prepare you for test day.

The cost for both sessions is $175. Current 3+3 Regent students can attend for a reduced rate of $125. Once you have filled out the registration form, we will email you a link to our payment form to complete your registration.

Need to take the LSAT?

Register here and sign up to take an upcoming LSAT exam at Regent University. Our testing site number is 17671.

The LSAT is offered several times throughout the year. Visit the LSAC website to view future LSAT dates.

About the LSAT

The LSAT is composed of five 35-minute multiple-choice sections and one 30-minute writing section. The multiple choice sections include:

  • One Reading Comprehension Section
  • One Analytical Reasoning Section
  • Two Logical Reasoning Sections
  • One Experimental Section (Includes questions similar to those in one of the previously mentioned sections.)

The Logical Reasoning section of the LSAT tests your ability to deconstruct an argument. The Prep Workshop will focus on how to analyze a Logical Reasoning question and identify assumptions and/or fallacies in each argument presented. At the end of the sessions, you should be well-equipped to analyze and answer Logical Reasoning questions.
Watch a 5-minute overview video on logical reasoning.

LSAT Logic Games Explanations by

This section of the LSAT measures your ability to understand a system of relationships and reach conclusions about those relationships. The Prep Workshop will provide the study skills you need to attack the Analytical Reasoning section. You will learn how to recognize the three types of Logic Games and work through them efficiently.

Watch a 5-minute overview video on analytical reasoning.

The Reading Comprehension questions on the LSAT are designed to test your ability to understand complex passages and make connections between the different parts of those passages. The questions are aimed at testing your ability to “read between the lines,” as you will be required to do in reading legal cases. The Prep Workshop will focus on teaching the skills necessary to read critically and accurately under time pressure.

Watch a 5-minute overview video on reading comprehension.

Reading Comprehension Passage (You will be prompted to pause the video and read this passage).

  • The Official LSAT SuperPrep II: The Champion of LSAT Prep, 2015
  • The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning, 2018
  • 10 New Actual, Official LSAT Prep Tests, Law School Admission Council, 2012.
  • The PowerScore LSAT Logic Games Bible, 4th edition, David M. Kilorian, Power Score Publishing, 2013.
  • Master the LSAT, revised edition, Jeff Kolby, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2010.
  • Law School Admission Council: 215.968.1001;


  • The Official Guide to U.S. Law Schools, Law School Admission Council, published annually.
  • ABA-LSAC Official Guide to ABA-Approved Law Schools, American Bar Association, published annually.
  • Succeeding in Law School, 2nd edition, Herbert N. Ramy, Carolina Academic Press, 2010.
  • 1000 Days to the Bar: But the Practice of Law Begins Now, 2nd edition, Dennis J. Tonsing, William S. Hein & Co., Inc., 2010.




Attending a Regent admissions event can be one of the smartest things you’ll do as you plan to pursue your degree. Our on-campus and online events will help clarify your goals and calling while answering your questions about more practical issues like the admissions process and law school financial aid.

Visiting Regent University School of Law is the best way for you to discover all we have to offer. Whether you attend one of our upcoming information sessions or schedule an individual visit, we would love to meet you. A campus visit typically lasts 3-4 hours and includes meetings with an admissions representative, a faculty member, and a current student, as well attending a class and taking a tour of our campus in Virginia Beach.

Campus tours are available Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Please schedule your visit at least 72 hours in advance so that we may give faculty and staff advanced notice.

Schedule your Law School visit online at, or call 757.352.4584 with your preferred date and time.

Come learn more about Regent University School of Law! Our team of admissions representatives will be traveling to select cities across the country. We would love the opportunity to meet you, answer questions, and make materials available to you. If you would like us to consider attending an event that your school or organization is hosting, or if you have questions about attending an event, please contact us at 757.352.4584 or by email at

J.D. Admitted Students’ Day – We encourage all admitted students to schedule a personalized campus visit. Please contact for more information.

Admitted Students’ Day is a free event, held annually on our beautiful campus in Virginia Beach, Virginia. This one-day event provides the perfect opportunity for newly admitted J.D. students to experience Regent Law firsthand.

  • Network with faculty and attend a Regent Law class.
  • Hear from a Regent Law alumni panel.
  • Have lunch with current Regent Law students.
  • Get answers to your financial aid questions.
  • Take a guided tour of campus.

Our admissions team is here to guide you through the application process with personalized support. Whether you’re exploring our academic programs, seeking financial aid information, or preparing your application, we are ready to assist. At Regent Law, we cultivate a supportive and collaborative environment where future leaders are shaped. Connect with us today and discover how Regent Law can be the foundation of your legal career.

S. Ernie Walton
Associate Dean of Administration,
Admissions & Financial Aid

Preston Braswell

Briana Dame
Assistant Director

Mark Kelsey
Assistant Director of Communications
& Enrollment Marketing

Jeremy Harlow

James Lancellotti

Cyndi Petrich

Contact us at:

Office of Law Admissions & Financial Aid
Phone: 757.352.4584
Toll-Free: 877.267.5072
Fax: 757.352.4139

For the entering 2023 class:

General Stats

Applications: 548
Entering Class Size: 112
29% Qualified to Enter Our J.D. Honors Program


25th Percentile: 3.40
50th Percentile: 3.68
75th Percentile: 3.88


25th Percentile: 152
50th Percentile: 157
75th Percentile: 160


No. of Academic Institutions Represented: 73
Female Enrollment: 58%
Average Age: 26
No. of States Represented: 31