Regent University will be closed Saturday, January 22, 2022, due to the winter weather.
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Welcome to Regent University Christian Leadership to Change the World

Reach Your God-Given Potential

Have faith, Regent University will help make your task of choosing where to continue your education, an easy choice. As one of the top colleges in Virginia and the nation, Regent offers 150+ areas of study, both online and on-campus, from a Christian perspective.

Along with academic excellence, what sets us apart is our mission to prepare you to excel in mind and spirit. Our students, faculty and administrators share a calling – to make a significant difference in the world. That’s the Regent difference. We invite you to come experience it for yourself. 

Let’s get started! Click on the links below that best describes you:

Discover the Regent Difference

Incoming Freshman Explore
Honors College Explore
Transfer Student Explore
Early College HomeSchool Explore
“We are active-duty military, so finding an accredited, online university was important. With Regent, the transfer process was smooth, the curriculum is engaging, and I get to learn from professors who love God and teach with passion and expertise.”
Allie Bryant, B.S. in Marketing, 2021 Social Media Specialist
“It’s tough being a student when you’re older but [Regent] had so much flexibility and understanding that enabled me to pursue my degree.”
Ed Lee, M.A., 2017 Practical Theology
“To pursue your degree, you do have to make sacrifices. But, you can get through it, and most importantly, you don't have to compromise your principles.”
David Segovia, MBA, 2015
“I was equipped with the critical thinking skills I needed to strategically implement and assess fresh and creative ways to approach instruction and learning. I received consistent encouragement from my professors and cohort to push beyond my personal best in research and daily practice.”
Alicia Langley, M.Ed., 2012 TESOL
“Regent’s online program gives me flexibility and convenience I need.”
Sheri Terrillion, MBA, 2019 Healthcare Management