Important Loan Information
Student Loan Disclosure and Code of Conduct
Welcome to the Regent University Student Loan page. As of Summer 2010, Regent University participates in the Federal Direct Student Loan Program (DL).
In addition, the university works with students and private lenders to ensure non-federal loan options are available. Regent maintains a comprehensive list of the private loan programs that students have used over the previous two years. The student has the right to choose any private lender. Appearance on the comprehensive list of loan programs does not imply endorsement by Regent University. Pursuant to federal law, the university has a student loan code of conduct. This code of conduct is distributed annually to all staff with responsibilities related to student loans.
Students are strongly encouraged to pursue any federal loan option prior to pursuing a private student loan.
In addition, all staff of the Student Financial Aid Office has signed a statement acknowledging and pledging to follow NASFAA’s Code of Conduct. As a result, neither Regent University nor its employees, has received any type of compensation or financial incentive beyond federal legislative or regulatory standards from the lenders on the comprehensive private loan listing and will remove any lender that engages in such conduct. Read the NASFAA Statement of Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct for Institutional Aid Professionals.