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Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant (VTAG)

What is it?

A grant from the Commonwealth of Virginia to all U.S. citizens who are residents of Virginia and attending private institutions in the Commonwealth. Students who are enrolled in certain undergraduate Religion & Philosophy majors are not eligible for this award (see list below). Graduate students are only eligible for this award if they are enrolled in a health-related professional program (see list below).

How much is the grant?

The award amounts may vary and are subject to change during the academic year depending upon the state’s funding.

For 2024-2025, the annual amounts are as follows:

  • On-campus: $5,125
  • Grandfathered* Online (enrolled at Regent in an online program in 2019-2020 and throughout each subsequent aid year): $3,400
  • New Online (that don’t meet the grandfathered criteria): $2,560

*some additional criteria apply.

  • On-campus: $5,000
  • Grandfathered* Online (enrolled at Regent in an online program in 2019-2020 and throughout each subsequent aid year): $1,700
  • New Online (that don’t meet the grandfathered criteria): $2,560

*some additional criteria apply.


Completed, hand-signed VTAG applications may be emailed to or faxed to 757.352.4118.

The State Council of Higher Education of Virginia has changed the award amounts for distance education students. New online or distance education students are eligible for a reduced award. Existing students enrolled in online education or distance learning programs as of the 2019-20 academic year shall remain eligible to receive awards of up to the 2019-2020 award amounts for as long as the student maintains enrollment in each successive fiscal year, unless granted an exception for cause by SCHEV, until current degree completion or current degree program eligibility limits have otherwise expired, whichever comes first. This requirement shall not be applicable to otherwise place-based students required by the institution to receive distance learning instruction due to on-going COVID-19-related concerns. Council shall develop appropriate guidance for implementation of this requirement, including definitions and administrative procedures.

The student must be enrolled full-time in a degree seeking undergraduate program. Visit our Financial Aid Enrollment Requirements website page here for more information.

The student must be a domiciliary resident of the Commonwealth of Virginia for at least 12 months prior to enrollment. He/she must have taken steps that show an intent to stay in Virginia indefinitely. These steps include (but are not limited to) obtaining a driver’s license, paying state taxes, registering to vote in Virginia and having his/her car registered in the Commonwealth. A student must not have begun classes within the first year of moving to Virginia. Doing so makes the student ineligible for the award.

Military Spouse/Dependent Exception: By providing orders showing your spouse or parent (dependent students only) is currently stationed in Virginia, you may meet the domiciliary requirement for VTAG regardless of what state you claim residency.

The following undergraduate Religion & Philosophy majors ARE ELIGIBLE for TAG:

  • Religious Studies (B.A.)*
  • Christian Leadership & Management (B.A.)
  • Christian Studies (A.A.)

The following undergraduate Religion & Philosophy majors ARE NOT ELIGIBLE for TAG:

  • Christian Ministry (B.A.)
  • Biblical & Theological Studies (B.A.)

* The Religious Studies major is no longer open for new students.

The following graduate programs are the only graduate programs eligible for TAG:

  • M.A. in Clinical Mental Health Counseling (effective Fall 2024)
  • M.A. in Human Services
  • M.A. in Marriage, Couple & Family Counseling (effective Fall 2024)
  • M.A. in Pastoral Counseling
  • M.S. in Nursing (MSN)

Students need to obtain an application and mail or deliver it to the Student Financial Aid Office by July 31 to be eligible for the grant for the upcoming academic year. Applications received after July 31, but not later than December 1, may receive a partial award depending on the state’s funding. Recommended submission date is by June 1, prior to the start of the fall semester.

Applicants are categorized by student type and application submission date:

  • Category 1: Returning students who are eligible for fall and spring terms and received a TAG award in the previous fiscal year.
  • Category 2: New students to the institution’s TAG program who are eligible for the fall and spring terms and who apply for the TAG program by July 31. This category includes new freshmen, transfer students and eligible returning students who did not receive a TAG award in the previous fiscal year.
    • In May 2024, SCHEV announced an extension to the application deadline, changing the deadline to September 15, beginning in the 2024-2025 academic year. This extension will provide additional time to students genuinely needing it. Regent University will continue to support students through this deadline extension and strongly encourages those not in dire need of an extension to strive to meet the prior July 31 deadline, as this assists students with payment readiness and can alleviate Semester Check-in delays.
  • Category 3: New students to the TAG program who are eligible for the fall and spring term awards and who apply between August 1 and September 14. Students applying after September 14 are not eligible for fall awards regardless of enrollment status (may not be funded by state).
    • In May 2024, SCHEV announced an extension to the application deadline, changing the deadline from to September 16 to October 1, beginning in the 2024-2025 academic year. This extension will provide additional time to students genuinely needing it. Regent University will continue to support students through this deadline extension and strongly encourages those not in dire need of an extension to strive to meet the prior July 31 deadline, as this assists students with payment readiness and can alleviate Semester Check-in delays.
  • Category 4: All students eligible for spring term awards only and who apply by December 1 (may not be funded by state).

Students in Categories 1 and 2 will be funded for the fall and spring terms if the student meets all eligibility criteria.

Category 3 and 4 students will be funded if and when the state legislature determines there is appropriate funding to allocate for this category of student. This usually does not take place until late in the spring term.Category 3 and 4 students should not expect to be funded at the start of their term, if at all.

Students may receive the grant in the fall and spring semesters only. The summer semester is not eligible for funding, per VTAG program regulations. Students who are in their last year of school and received VTAG for the prior year may be eligible to receive a prorated award amount. Undergraduates may receive the award for no more than eight total semesters (including terms received at any prior colleges attended). Graduate students in an eligible program may receive the award for no more than six semesters (for all graduate programs, schools attended and academic levels combined).

Undergraduate School A – Received for two terms
Transfer to Regent Undergraduate – Can receive up to six terms

NOTE: Students denied for the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant have the right to appeal the decision. Click here for information on the VTAG Appeal Process.

More information about the Virginia Tuition Assistance Grant program is available on the State Council of Higher Education for Virginia (SCHEV) website. If you are not a Virginia resident, SCHEV also provides information about financial aid programs offered within your state.