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MBA Association (MBAA)

The MBA Association (MBAA) is a professional organization of leaders, businessmen and businesswomen of the School of Business and Leadership students and alumni. SBL alumni are an important element of the MBAA because the nature of their experience, connections and their willingness to give back, enriches the experience of current SBL students. The goal of the MBAA is to create a deep sense of community, comradery, and connections among alumni, students and faculty within the School of Business and Leadership.

The MBAA seeks to develop and maintain a network of executives, CEOs, and start-up professionals. It seeks to provide resources to its members to gain knowledge and exposure in various sectors of business as well as assist with job opportunities when possible. The MBAA strives to serve our members in a way that glorifies God by helping them to hold fast to Regent University’s mission of Christian Leadership to Change the World.

The vision of the MBA Association is for each student and alumni to know that they are a permanent part of the SBL community and that they leave their program with a sense of feeling connected to people, executives, resources, and networks to assist with the next chapter of their career. We desire to spotlight businesses and organizations when possible, uplifting the household of faith (Galatians 6:10). SBL business owners and leaders of organizations will be able to network and make known any job opportunities they have to offer for SBL students and alumni, if they desire.

The MBAA also seeks to serve the School of Business & Leadership, when possible, extending a helping hand for online and campus activities such as EMP the Research Roundtables, and the SBL commissioning ceremony.

  • Excellence
  • Integrity
  • Servant leadership
  • Inspiration
  • Collaboration
  • Prayer

The co-founder of the MBAA will serve as the MBAA president, alongside a Board of Directors consisting of no less than 10 and no more than 15 alumni and students. The MBAA is an SBL professional organization which will fall under the Dean of the School of Business & Leadership. 

MBAA hosted events, panels, leadership summits will be listed here, as well as scheduled networking events on the Regent campus and in the Hampton Roads community. Occasionally opportunities arise for SBL students and alumni and may also be share at the events and opportunities tab. Additionally, SBL events may also be listed here.

All of our hybrid events: MBAA Speaker night, leadership & panel events will be recorded and posted under the Webinar Recordings tab.

The MBAA believes in lifting up and highlighting our members. The MBAA Business Listings page will showcase our MBAA members’ small businesses and organizations, including links to their websites, and testimonials. Additionally, our guest speakers will be able to showcase their business or organization as well. This creates value for our guest speakers and members.

Consider joining the MBA Association for free this year!

 Join the MBAA in two easy steps:

1. Send an email stating you would like to join. This invite is open to all students and alumni of the School of Business & Leadership.

2. Complete new member survey.

Facebook: Regent University MBA Association

Instagram: mbaaregent

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