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Regent University is a Christian Institution Offering Undergraduate, Graduate, and Doctoral Degrees Located in Virginia Beach, VA 23464

Ph.D. Student Publications

Students enrolled in the Ph.D. program in the School of Business & Leadership are provided opportunities to engage in research, writing, presentations and other scholarly activities in the early stages of their academic studies. Our emphasis on publishing and presentations permits our students to:

  • Pursue their research interests with viable ends
  • Collaborate with faculty, student colleagues and other external resources
  • Gain exposure to national and international academic conferences
  • Build a curriculum vitae

Listed below are some of the most current works and activities of our Ph.D. students.

2016 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Åkerlund, T. (2016). Missional Leadership: A Critical Review of the Research Literature. Australasian Pentecostal Studies, 18. Retrieved from
  • Åkerlund, T. (2016). “To live lives worthy of God:” Leadership and Spiritual Formation in 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12. Journal of Spiritual Formation & Soul Care, 9(1), 18–34.
  • Åkerlund, T. (2016). “When the Fire Fell”: Historical and Narrative Perspectives on the Charismatic Leadership of T. B. Barratt. PentecoStudies, 15(1), 7–24.
  • Huizinga, R. B. (2016). Breaking Faith: A Quantitative Examination of Followership During Termination. Journal of Strategic and International Studies, 11(2), 5–14.
  • Huizinga, R. B. (2016). An Understanding of Humility-Based Leadership Impacting Organizational Climate. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 9(1), 34–44.

2015 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Åkerlund, T. (2015). Pentekostale former for ledelse i fortid og framtid. In K. I. Tangen & K.-W. Sæther (Eds.), Pentekostale perspektiver (Vol. 23, pp. 187–202). Bergen, Norway: Fagbokforlaget.
  • Åkerlund, T. (2015). Son, sent, and servant: Johannine perspectives on servant leadership theory. Scandinavian Journal of Leadership and Theology, 2. Retrieved from
  • Roof, R. A. (2015). The association of individual spirituality on employee engagement: The Spirit at work. Journal of Business Ethics, 130(3), 585-599. DOI 10.1007/s10551-014-2246-
  • Perry, A. (2015). Lift up the lowly and bring down the exalted: Gender studies, organizations, and the Ethiopian eunuch. Journal of Religious Studies 14(1), 45-66. and development. Journal of Practical Consulting, 5(2), 19-28.
  • Starbuck, C. R. (2015). An investigation of the relationship between follower perceptions of leader openness to experience and follower job satisfaction. Journal of Organizational Culture, Communication and Conflict, 19(1), 118-130.
  • Martin, R. (2015). Exploration of the research and development of the concept of followership since 2008: The importance of relationships and emotional intelligence. Sage Open, (October-December 2015: 1–9, DOI: 10.1177/2158244015608421)

Academic Presentations

  • Roof, R. A. (2015). Spiritual Self-Care: The Power of Spiritual Disciplines for Leadership Development. Workshop within the Leadership & Organizational Psychology track of The American Association of Christian Counselors’ (AACC) World Conference, Nashville, TN, September 2015.
  • Watley, B. (2015). A Theoretical Framework for Examining the Effects of Innovation Training. Presentation at the Autonomous Learning World Caucus, Oxford, England, March 2015.
  • Hernandez-Hernandez, C. N. A. (2015). Implementing ISO17025 in a research laboratory: A study case of episodic change. Conference: XII Coloquio Internacional de Cuerpos Académicos y Grupos de Investigación en Análisis Organizacional, At San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis. México, Volume: XII
  • Hernandez-Hernandez, C. N. A. (2015). Ethical development for insurance sales agents: Insights from stewardship theory. Conference: XII Coloquio Internacional de Cuerpos Académicos y Grupos de Investigación en Análisis Organizacional, At San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chis. México, Volume: XII.
  • Malangwasira, T. E. (2015). The moderating effects of strategic thinking on the relationship between self-directed learning and leader effectiveness in small organizations. Presentations at the Autonomous Learning World Caucus: Autonomous Learning: Human Resource Development: Organizational Leadership: Education. Worfson College and Exeter College, University of Oxford, England. UK. March, 2015.

2014 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Åkerlund, T. (2014). Leadership in Corinth: Reciprocity and leader-member exchange in 2 Corinthians 6:11-13. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 6(1), 162–175.
  • Åkerlund, T. (2014). Preaching as Christian leadership: The story, the sermon, and the prophetic imagination. Journal of Religious Leadership, 13(1), 79–97.
  • Ling, S., Huizinga, R., Mayo, P., Larouche, R., Freitag, D., Aspeslet, L., & Foster, R. (2014). Cytochrome P450 3A and P-glycoprotein drug-drug interactions with voclosporin. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 77(6), 1039–1050.
  • Mayo, P., Ling, S., Huizinga, R., Freitag, D., Aspeslet, L., & Foster, R. (2014). Population PKPD of voclosporin in renal allograft patients. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 54(5), 537–545.
  • Toulassi, B. (2014). Understanding chaordic groups in Africa: Christian responses. International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1(12), 188-213.
  • Toulassi, B. (2014). Does global leadership mean ‘no leadership’? International Journal of Social Sciences and Entrepreneurship, 1(12), 340-351. Full Text PDF:
  • Ball, R. (2014). Christian leadership and the crippling effect of narcissism: A historical intertexture analysis of Judges 13-16. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership 6(1), 16-26.
  • Roof, R. A. (2014). Authentic leadership questionnaire (ALQ) psychometrics. Asian Journal of Business Ethics, 3(1), 57-64. DOI 10.1007/s13520-013-0031-2

Academic Presentations

  • Huizinga, R. B. (2014). Courage to Act: A Study of Nehemiah’s Actions in Nehemiah 2: 4-9. In Regent University 9th Annual Biblical Perspectives in Leadership Roundtable.
  • Watley, B. (2014). Scale Development: Innovative Behavior Instrument. Presentation at the Autonomous Learning World Caucus, Oxford, England, March 2014.
  • Watley, B. (2014). Experiential Learning in Entrepreneurship Education. Presentation at the International Assembly of Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) National Conference, San Diego, CA, April 2014.
  • Starbuck, C. R. (2014). An Investigation of the Relationship between Follower Perceptions of Leader Openness to Experience and Follower Job Satisfaction. Allied Academics International Conference, Nashville, TN.
  • Fletcher, P. (2014). Ethical Leadership’s Influence on the Organizational Identity of Narcissism: A Socio-Rhetorical Analysis of 2 Chronicles 30:1-27. Presentation at Virtual Conference on Moral Leadership, Regent University, December 2014.

2013 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Ling, S. Y., Huizinga, R. B., Mayo, P. R., Freitag, D. G., Aspeslet, L. J., & Foster, R. T. (2013). Pharmacokinetics of voclosporin in renal impairment and hepatic impairment. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 53(12), 1303–1312. doi:10.1002/jcph.166.
  • Malangwasira, T. E. (2013). Demographic differences between a leader and followers tend to inhibit leader-follower exchange levels and job satisfaction. Journal of organizational culture, communication and conflict, 17(2), 63-106.
  • Mayo, P. R., Huizinga, R. B., Ling, S. Y., Freitag, D. G., Aspeslet, L. J., & Foster, R. T. (2013). Voclosporin food effect and single oral ascending dose pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies in healthy human subjects. Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, 53(8), 819–26. doi:10.1002/jcph.114.
  • Tonkin, T., (2013). God’s timeless change management plan: An exegetical view of Revelation 19. The American Journal of Biblical Theology, 14(02).
  • Tonkin, T., (2013, Winter). Authentic versus transformational leadership: Assessing their effectiveness on organizational citizenship behavior of followers. International Journal of Business and Public Administration, In-press.

Academic Presentations

  • Watley, B. (2013). The Effects of Innovation Training on Individual Innovative Behaviors. Presentation at the Autonomous Learning World Caucus, Oxford, England, March 2013.
  • Watley, B. (2013). Enlarging the World of Entrepreneurial Studies. Presentation at the International Assembly of Collegiate Business Education (IACBE) National Conference, Orlando, FL, April 2013.
  • Watley, B. (2013). Antecedents of Individual Innovative Behaviors. Presentation at the Conclave for Leadership Research and Analysis, Regent University.
  • Toulassi, B. (2013). Moral leadership: The morality of leadership. Regent University.
  • Roof, R. A. (2014). Decisions in Context: How Culture Shapes the Decision Process. Presentation [virtual] at the Thirteenth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada, June 2013.
  • Malangwasira, T. E. (2013). Faith in Uncertain Times for Christian Leadership: A Social-rhetorical Analysis Based on Hebrews 11:23-29. Presentation at the 2013 Biblical Perspectives Roundtable, Regent University, May 2013.
  • Roof, R. A. (2013). Born or made? The influence of personality on leadership effectiveness. Presentation at the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) World Conference, Leadership Coaching and Organizational Psychology Track, September 2013.
  • Tuggle, M., (2013). Training in the workplace: A self-directed learning model. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 2013 Proceedings, Las Vegas, NV.
  • Tonkin, T., (2013). Assessing Innovation in the Boardroom:Evidence for a Dual Process Model of Creativity Judgement with the Context of Innovation. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 2013 Proceedings, Dallas, TX.
  • Tonkin, T., (2013). The Effects of Locus of Control and Gender on Implicit Leadership Perception. International Leadership Association (ILA) Women and Leadership Affinity Group Inaugural Conference, 2013 Conference Proceedings Pacific Grove, CA.

2012 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Watley, B. (2012). Transformational power of divine empowerment: An intertexture analysis of Acts 2; (Published). Emerging Leadership Journeys (ELJ), 5(3), Spring 2012.
  • Huizing, R. L. (2012). Mentoring Together: A Literature Review of Group Mentoring. Mentoring and Tutoring: Partnership in Learning, 20(1), 27-55.
  • Huizing, R. L. (2012). In Search of a Healthy Church: A Meta-Ethnographic Study. Great Commission Research Journal, 4(1), 43-59.
  • Caulton, J.R. (2012). The Development and Use of the Theory of ERG: A Literature Review. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 5(1).
  • Holloway, J. B. (2012). Leadership Behavior and Organizational Climate: An Empirical Study in a Non-Profit Organization, Emerging Leaders Journey, 5(1), 9-35.
  • Holloway, J. B. (2012). Jesus as Agent of Change and Guiding. The American Journal of Biblical Theology, 13(24).
  • David Hartley (Cohort 2007). Sun Tzu and Command Assessment: A Study on Commander’s Courage, The International Journal of Leadership Studies, 6, 2, 263-273.
  • Daniels, T. L. (2011). Decision Making in Afrocentric and Eurocentric Organizations, Journal of Black Studies, 43(3), 324-335.
  • Huizing, R. (2011). Bringing Christ to the table of leadership: Moving towards a theology of leadership. Journal of Applied Christian Leadership, 5(2), 58-75.
  • Gandolfi, F., Renz, L., Hansson, M., & Davenport, J. (2012). Post-downsizing implications and consequences: a global perspective. In C. Cooper, A. Pandey & J. Quick (Eds.), Downsizing: is less still more. (356-388). Cambridge University Press.
  • Metheny, G. (2012). Christian Stewardship. Gospel Advocate, 154(8), 34-35.

Academic Presentations

  • Toulassi, B. (2012). Educational Leadership: Educational Renaissance in Francophone Africa. Riverside University, California. GLOBAL Mindset Development In leadership and Management Conference. Proceedings, 3, p. 69.
  • Tonkin, T., O’Connell, P., & Cole, D. (2012). Bridging the Gap for Women Leaders: The Perfect Storm for Shattering The Glass Ceiling. International Leadership Association (ILA) Global Conference, Denver, CO
  • Lenz, K. (2012). Cultural impact of entrepreneurial influencing tactics between America and Ghana. United States Association of Small Business & Entrepreneurship. New Orleans.
  • Bryant, D. W. (2012). Exploring Approaches to Understanding the Spiritual/Religious Entrepreneur. Presentation at 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Boston, MA., August 2012.
  • Coggins, E., & Bocarnea, M. (2011). Testing Servant Leadership Theory with Cambodian Students. Presentation at the 2011 Annual Servant Leadership Roundtables, Regent University, May 2011.
  • Coggins, E. (2011). The Christian Virtues – Characteristics of Christian Followers. Presentation at the Journal of Biblical Perspectives of Leadership Roundtables, Regent University, May 2011.
  • Coggins, E. (2012). Contrasting Leadership Styles in Postexilic Judaism – A Comparative Analysis of Ezra 9:1-5 and Nehemiah 13:23-27. Presentation at the Journal of Biblical Perspectives of Leadership Roundtable, Regent University, May 2012.
  • Coggins, E. & Bocarnea, M. (2012). The Potential Impact of Servant Leadership on Followers’ Psychological Capital – A Literature Review and General Conceptual Framework. Presentation at the Servant Leadership Roundtable, Regent University, May 2012.
  • Coggins, E. & Bocarnea, M. (2012). Exploring the Relationship between Servant Leadership and Psychological Capital in Two Diverse Eastern and Western Cultures. Presentation at the 2nd Global Servant Leadership Research Roundtable, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, June 2012.
  • Holloway, J. B. (2012). Leadership Behavior and Organizational Climate: An Empirical Study in a Non-Profit Organization, presented at the 2nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Leadership Conference, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA, March 2012.
  • Holloway, J. B. (2012). The Controversy Surrounding Emotional Intelligence, A Panel Discussion, presented at the 2nd Annual Mid-Atlantic Leadership Conference, Christopher Newport University, Newport News, VA, March 2012.
  • Tonkin, T. (2011). Authentic versus Transformational Leadership: Assessing their Effectiveness on Organizational Citizenship Behavior of Followers. International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD), 2012 Proceedings, Orlando, FL. Recipient of the International Academy of Business and Public Administration Disciplines (IABPAD) Research Award (2012) for the research study.
  • Bosch, D. A. (2011). Divine Empowered Leadership: An Intertextual Analysis of Acts 2. Presentation at the Biblical Perspectives in Leadership Roundtable, Regent University, May 13-15, 2011.
  • Bosch, D. A. (2012). The Impact of Transformational Leadership on Leader-Follower Work Value Congruence. Presentation at the Conclave for Leadership Research and Analysis, Regent University, May 11-13, 2012.
  • David Hartley (Cohort 2007). Scale Development and the Courage Intentions of the Adult Self-directed Leader, Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology, October 2011.
  • David Hartley (Cohort 2007). Courage Intentions of the Adult Self-directed Leader, Autonomous Learning World Caucus, Oxford England, March 2010.
  • David Hartley (Cohort 2007). Components of Commanders Courage, Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology, October, 2009.
  • Babyak, A. T. (2012). An Exploratory Investigation of Self-Directed Learning in Senegal, West Africa and its Implications for Human Resource Development. The Autonomous Learning World Caucus, University of Oxford, UK, March 12, 2012.
  • Babyak, A. T. (2012). An Unquenchable Thirst for Learning in the Desert: Senegal, West Africa. Conclave of Leadership Research and Analysis, Regent University, May 11, 2012.
  • Methany, G. (2012). The Critical and Creative Thinking Process with an HRD Perspective. The Autonomous Learning World Caucus, University of Oxford, UK, March 13, 2012.
  • Methany, G. (2012). Critical Thinking: An Empirical Examination? Presentation at the Conclave for Leadership Research and Analysis, Regent University, May 11-13, 2012.

2011 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Rohm, R. (2011). Cross-Cultural Virtual Team Development and Motivation. International Leadership Journal.
  • Huizing, R. L. (2011). What was Paul thinking? An ideological study of 1 Timothy 2. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 3(2), 14-22.
  • Sonny Mathew (Cohort 2007): “Leading Across Global Cultures through Servant Leadership.” Leadership Advance Online, XIX.
  • Winston, B., & Tucker, P. A. (2011). The Beatitudes as leadership virtues. Virtuous Journal, 2(1), Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  • Ma, A. & Osula B. (2011). The Tao of complex adaptive systems (CAS). Chinese Management Studies, 5 (1), 94 – 110. doi: 10.1108/17506141111118480
  • Ma, A. (2010). The Effect of a Cross-Cultural Leadership Training Program on the Cultural Intelligence Score of Chinese Students, Global Studies Journal. 3(1), 213-232. Retrieved from :
  • Harrison, J.L. (2011). Female roles in leadership and the ideological texture of 1 Timothy 2: 9-15, Journal of Inner Resources for Leaders, 3(1), 1-9.
  • Harrison, J.L. (2011). Instructor leadership and student outcomes, Emerging Leadership Journeys, 4(1), 91-119.
  • Harrison, J.L. (2011). Moral global Leadership and the Seven Capital Sins: Pride vs. Humility, Annual Virtual Conference on Moral Leadership. Virginia Beach, VA: Regent University.
  • Tomlinson, J. C., & Winston, B. E. (2011). Romans 12 motivational gifts and college professors: Implications for job satisfaction and person-job fit. Christian Higher Education, 10, 45-56.
  • Huizing, R. L. (2011). The Effects of God Control on Cognitive Resource Theory. International Journal of the Academic Business World, 4(2), 55-65.
  • Huizing, R. L. (2011). The Seasons of Ecclesial Leadership: A New Pardigm. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 3(1), 81-90.
  • Huizing, R. L. (2011). Leaders from Disciples: The Church’s Contribution to Leadership Development. Evangelical Review of Theology, 35(4), 333-344
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008). Integral Biblical Leadership. Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, volume 3 issue 2, pages 60-76, School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Regent University, Summer 2011.

Academic Presentations

  • Rohm, F. W. (2010). 3M under James McNerney: A Case Study in Servant Leadership. 2010 CBFA Conference, October 2010.
  • Rohm, F. W. & Osula, B. (2010). Scouting and Servant Leadership. 2010 Annual Roundtables of Leadership Research and Practice, Regent University, May 2010.
  • Huizing, R. (2010). The Effects of God-control on Cognitive Resource Theory. Academic Business World International Conference & International Conference on Learning and Administration in Higher Education, 2010 Proceedings, [PGS], Nashville, TN. Received a Presentation Excellence Award and Best Paper Award.
  • Huizing, R. (2010). Mentoring together: A literature review of group mentoring. Northeastern Association of Business, Economics and Technology 33rd Annual Meeting, 2010 Proceedings, State College, PA.
  • Tucker, P. (2011, March). College Students with Learning Disabilities: The effects of Autonomous Learning Theories to Succeed: Presentation at the Autonomous Learners World Caucus Roundtable Discussion, OxfordUniversity, Oxford, England.
  • Tucker, P. (2011, April). Learner Autonomy and Human Resource Developers/Practitioners: St. Leo’s University Human Resource Management class. Dr. Kenneth Moss open forum discussion for graduates.
  • Tucker, P. (2010, May).The Beatitudes as leadership virtues: Presentation at the Servant Leadership Roundtable Forum, Regent University.
  • Tucker, P. (2010, March). A perspective on Self-Efficacious Autonomous Learners, SEAL-Team-8: Presentation at Autonomous Learners World Caucus Roundtable Discussion, Oxford, University, Oxford, England.
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008). Measuring Two of the Fruits of the Spirit, Roundtable Presentation, Biblical Perspectives in Leadership Research, Regent University, May 2011
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008). Humility and Leadership: Relevant Concepts from Benedict of Nursia, Conference Presentation, 2011 Virtual Conference on Moral Leadership: The Classic Virtues in Moral Leadership, Regent University, December 2011

2010 Roundtables of Leadership Research and Practice, Virginia Beach, VA

  • Mathew, Sonny (Cohort 2007). Peter’s Leadership Formation: A Biblical Proto-type for Leader Development. May 16, 2010, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA

First International Conference on the Integration of Spirituality & Organizational Leadership – February 8-10, 2007; University of Delhi, New Delhi, India:

  • Sonny Mathew (Cohort 2007). Spirituality at workplace: Changing management paradigm.”
  • Mathew, S., & Winston, B. E. (2007). Spirituality at workplace: Changing management paradigm. Integrating Spirituality and Organizational Leadership Conference, University of Delhi, India, February 8-10.

Book Chapters

  • Mathew, S., & Winston, B. E. (2007). A study of the role of spirituality in the practice of values at call centers in the U.S. and India: Contrasting the difference between dogmatic religiosity and personal spirituality to promoting universal core values in the workplace. In S. Singh-Sengupta and D. Fields (Eds.) Integrating spirituality and organizational leadership. India: Macmillian Press.

2010 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Rohm, F. W. (2010). American and Arab Cultural Lenses. Inner Resources for Leaders.
  • Tucker, P. A. (2010, Winter). Christian Leadership and Prudence: Globally is there a connection? Journal of Biblical Perspectives on Leadership, 3(1). Regent University, Virginia Beach, Virginia.
  • Copeland, M. (2010). Benefits, Limitations and Best Practices of Online Coursework. . . Should Accounting Programs Jump on Board? American Accounting Association, 2010 Northeast Proceedings Publication.
  • Copeland, M. (2010). Marketing and Advertising for the CPA: Leading-Edge Strategies. The CPA Journal, Aug 2010.
  • Copeland, M. (2010). Values Based Leadership. In Gandolfi, F. (ed.) Leadership: Fundamentals, Concepts, and Perspectives, Koln, Germany: LAP Lambert Academic Publishing. (accepted and forthcoming in Winter 2010).
  • Vondey, M. The relationships among servant leadership, organizational citizenship behavior, person-organization fit and organizational identification. International Journal of Leadership Studies, (2010). 6(1), 3-27.
  • Riesenmy, K. (cohort 2007). Physician sensemaking and readiness for electronic medicalrecords. The Learning Organization Journal, (2010) 17 (2) 163-177
  • Early, J. & Davenport, J. (Cohort 2008). Desired qualities of leaders within today’s accounting firm. CPA Journal, (2010) vol. 80:3, 59-62.
  • Copeland, M. (Cohort 2008). “Strategies for Developing Entrepreneurs: Nature or Nurture.” MBA Review, (2010). 9(4).
  • Davenport, J. (Cohort 2008). Portfolio diversification: where it goes wrong. Disclosures Journal, (2010) Vol. 23 (4), 18-21.
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008). Implications of Integral Theory for Contemporary Leadership, Leadership Advance Online, volume XX, School of Global Leadership and Entrepreneurship Regent University, December 2010.

2009 January – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Copeland, M. (Cohort 2008). “Marketing and Advertising for the CPA: Leading-Edge Strategies.” The CPA Journal, Aug 2010.
  • Copeland, M. (Cohort 2008). “HR Strategies in Seemingly Adverse Economic Times.” HR Review, (2009). 9(5), pp. 48-53.
  • Copeland, M. (Cohort 2008). “An Entrepreneurial Mindset: The Essential Component for a Competitive Edge.” MBA Review, (2009). 8(7), pp. 32-36.
  • Copeland, M. (Cohort 2008). “The Impact of Authentic, Ethical, Transformational Leadership on Leader Effectiveness.” Southern Management Association 2009 Proceedings Publication
  • Marshal, J. (Cohort 2009). Comparison of Pashtun and American Values: Origins and Effects. Joint Center for Operational Analysis Journal, (2009). 11 (3), 1-5.
  • Davenport, J. & Early, J. (Cohort 2008). The power-influence dynamics in a consultant/client relationship. Journal of Financial Service Professionals, (2010). 64 (1), 72-75.
  • Daniel Keebler (Cohort 2008). “Online Teaching Strategy: A position Paper” Journal of Online Learning and Teaching 5 (3) 546-549.
  • Daniel Keebler (Cohort 2008). “Metaphors Used As Imagery to Describe Organizations” International Leadership Journal February 2010 (in-press)
  • William Lamb (Cohort 2008). “Marketing in a Downturn: Leadership Strategies.” Effective Executive: The Icfai University Press, July 2009 (90), pp. 29-33. (with Dr. Paul Carr).
  • Daniel Keebler (Cohort 2008). “Baby Boomer Generational Impact on Human Resource Theory.” Human Resource Management.
  • Brian Carroll (Cohort 2008). “Making Decisions God’s Way.” National Men’s Ministries.
  • Mary Kay Copeland (Cohort 2008). “HR strategies in seemingly adverse economic times: Lead and change.” HRM Review, April 2009 issue (special edition).
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008). “Organizational Learning and Organizational Leadership: Some Paramount Considerations for the Global CEO.” Global CEO, volume VIII (12), pp. 21-24. (with Dr. Paul Carr)
  • Matthew P. Earnhardt (Cohort 2007). “The successful expatriate leader in China.” Graziadio Business Report, 12(1).
  • Matthew P. Earnhardt (Cohort 2007). “Identifying the key factors in the effectiveness and failure of virtual teams.” Leadership Advance Online, XVI.
  • Andrew Ma (Cohort 2008). “Comparison of the origins of altruism as leadership value between Chinese and Christian cultures.” Leadership Advance Online, XVI.
  • Joy A. Jones (Cohort 2008). “Gender dissimilarity and leader-member exchange: The mediating effect of communication apprehension.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 2(1).
  • William Lamb (Cohort 2008). “Danger ahead: Five road signs of abusive leadership.” MinistryToday, January/February 2009, p. 36.
  • William Lamb (Cohort 2008). “Power over pretense.” MinistryToday, March/April 2009,p. 22.
  • Thomas J. Norbutus (Cohort 2008). “Acts 2: The divine empowerment of leaders.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 2(1).
  • Gregory Okaiwele (Cohort 2008). “John 21: An exegetical study of leadership within the Mediterranean context and the 21st century.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 2(1).
  • Steven Pierce (Cohort 2008. “The impact of leaders: Economic crisis.” Having Church Ministries, March/April 2009,pp. 12-13 & 16.
  • Lisa M. Renz (Cohort 2008). Organizations as Culture and Psychic Prisons. Emerging Leadership Journeys, 2(1).
  • Dennis C. Rittle (Cohort 2006). “Talent management through leadership: Some profound considerations for the human resources practitioner.” In G. P. Sudhakar (Ed.), Global talent management: New perspectives. Hyderabad, India: Icfai University Press. (with Dr. Paul Carr)
  • Jake Stum (Cohort 2008). “Kirton’s adaption-innovation theory: Managing cognitive styles in times of diversity and change.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 2(1).
  • Jon Tomlinson (Cohort 2004). “The Great Commission: Discipleship and followership.” Inner Resources for Leaders, 2(1).
  • Tucker, P. A., & Carr, P. B. (2009, October). Empowering women: Promoting women to leadership positions in global organizations. HRM Review 9(10). The ICFAI University Press.
  • Tucker, P. A., & Carr, P. B. (2009, November). Change management: A perspective on behaviors. Global CEO 9(11). The ICFAI University Press.
  • Tucker, P. A., & Carr, P. B. (2009, December). Developing emotional intelligence: An interpersonal process in leadership positions. MBA Review. The ICFAI University Press.

Academic Presentations

2010 Roundtables of Leadership Research and Practice, Virginia Beach, VA

  • Copeland, M. (2010). Benefits, Limitations and Best Practices of Online Coursework. . . Should Accounting Programs Jump on Board? May 19, 2010, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
  • Vondey, Michelle (Cohort 2007). Leadership wisdom: A socio-rhetorical analysis of James 1:2-8 and 3:13-4:10. May 19, 2010, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008). Biblical Concepts of Leadership for the Contemporary Era. Roundtable Presentation, Biblical Perspectives in Leadership Research, Regent University, May 2009

Northeastern Association of Business Economics and Technology, 33rd Annual Meeting

  • John Bennett (Cohort 2010). “Global Business Ethics and Leadership: A Grounded Theory Approach” – October 19-20, 2010 State College, PA

21st Century Management Conference – Wilmington College

  • Porter, T., (Cohort 2007). “Are Confidence and Self-Efficacy Interchangeable: A Critical Literature Review” February 2010 Wilmington, OH

The 17th Annual Conference for the American Society of Business and Behavioral Sciences

  • Davenport, J. (2009). “Leadership Style and Organizational Commitment: The Moderating Effect of Locus of Control” February 2010 Las Vegas, NV
  • Davenport, J. (2009). “The Disconnect between Portfolio Construction in the Financial Services Industry and the Principles of Modern Portfolio Theory” February 2010 Las Vegas, NV

Midwest Academy of Management 2009 Annual Conference – October 23-24, 2009; Chicago, IL

  • Michelle Vondey (Cohort 2007). “An aesthetic of imagination and creativity for leaders.”
  • Tracy Porter (Cohort 2007). “A New Leadership Perspective”

The 17th Annual National Conference for the Institute of Behavioral and Applied Management

  • Davenport, J. & Early, J. (2009). “Retirement Benefits and Organizational Commitment: The Employer/Employee Disconnect” October 2009 Washington, DC (Selected Best Paper of the Division)
  • Tracy Porter (Cohort 2007). “Positive Organizational Behavior in Human Resource Development: The Role of Confidence”

Fifteenth Annual National African-American Student Leadership Conference (NAASLC), January 16-17, 2009; Rust College, Holly Springs, MS:

  • Thomas Adams & Maurice Buford (Cohort 2007). “The Audacity of leadership: 21st century strategies to transform a nation.” (panelists)

Second International Conference on the Integration of Spirituality & Organizational Leadership – February 9-12, 2009; University of Delhi, Pondicherry, India:

  • Vivian Petties (Cohort 2007). Good governance: A Socio-rhetorical analysis applied to corporate responsibility.”

Liberty University Society of Human Resource Management Chapter Conference, February 26, 2009; Liberty University, Lynchburg, VA:

  • Robert Van Engen (Cohort 2007).Embracing a biblical worldview in human resource development for an improved global perspective.” (panelist)

Society of Industrial Organizational Psychology and Industrial/Organizational Organizational Behavior 30th Annual Conference, February 27 – March 1; Chicago, IL:

  • Kelly Riesenmy (Cohort 2007). “The moderating role of follower identification in the relationships between leader and follower visionary leadership”

Tobias Center’s 2009 Multi-Sector Leadership Forum – March 5-7, 2009; Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN:

  • Ronald Cook (Cohort 2007). “Authentic leadership: What does it look like? A brief examination of Lincoln’s leadership.”
  • Yolonda Sales (Cohort 2007). “Investigations into potential causes and solutions for female attrition in science and technology: The Role of leadership and organizational culture.”

Women and Spirituality Symposium – March 12 – 14, 2009; Cleveland State University, Cleveland, OH:

  • Funmi Akinyele (Cohort 2008). “Understanding Yoruba and Latin American Women experiences in Christianity (The good, bad, and ugly).”
  • Tracy Porter (Cohort 2007). “Jesus as leader: A sacred texture analysis of Philippians 2: 5-11.”
  • Catherine Self (Cohort 2005). “Incarnational leadership as reflected in St. Clare’s third letter to Agnes: A sensory-aesthetic study.”

Alliant International University’s Student Leadership Conference, March 18, 2009; San Diego, CA:

  • Kathryn Adamson (Cohort 2007). “Leadership through a cultural lens.”

The Global Business Development 11th Annual Conference, March 22-25 2009; Las Vegas, NV:

  • Sharon Norris (Cohort 2007). “A grassroots emergent strategy of global human research development: Social network ties, relationship.”

Georgia Association of Special Programs Personal and South Carolina Council of Educational Opportunity Program Personnel’s 36th Annual Spring Training Conference, March 31 – April 3 2009; Savannah, Georgia:

  • Tonya F. Mack (Cohort 2007). “Spring forward… Providing access for student success.”

Virginia Community College System New Horizons Annual Conference, April 1-3, 2009; Roanoke, VA:

  • Kelly Gillerlain (Cohort 2007). “Successful online teaching strategies.” (panelist)

Second Annual Women in Leadership Forum, April 8, 2009; Atlantic Cape Community College, Mays Landing, NJ:

  • Joy A. Jones (Cohort 2008). “Leadership and gender stereotyping: Two faces of the double bind.”

Midwest Decision Sciences Institute Conference, April 16 – 18, 2009; Miami University, Oxford, OH:

  • Tracy Porter (Cohort 2007). “The global culture within Midwest banking: A case study of leadership competencies.”

Higher Ground Leadership Summit, April 24-25, 2009; Biola University, La Mirada, CA:

  • Richard S. Franklin (Cohort 2006). “Developing self-efficacy to enhance ministerial effectiveness: A spiritually-based approach.”
  • Richard S. Franklin (Cohort 2006). Directed and hosted the “Higher Ground Leadership Summit” academic symposium with students and faculty from Regent University, Biola University, Azusa Pacific University, and Fuller Seminary participating. HGLS is a scholarly forum dedicated to the study of integrating biblical faith, organizational studies, and leadership studies as well as to developing emergent scholars.

2008 September – December

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • Thomas Adams (Cohort 2007). “Impact of prayer on the relationship between supervisory support and employee’s perception of workplace equity.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(2).
  • Waldo Best (Cohort 2007). “Grace from the U.S. Government: The moral hazard problem.” Regent Global Business Review: Global Business Brief, 2(3), p. 1.
  • Steven Crowther (Cohort 2008).”The spirit of service: Reexamining servant leadership in the Gospel of Mark.” Inner Resources for Leaders, 1(3).
  • Matthew P. Earnhardt (Cohort 2007). “Testing a servant leadership theory among United States military members.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(2).
  • Loventrice Farrow (Cohort 2007). “The experiences of minority women leaders as mentees in U.S. organizations.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(2)
  • Rick Franklin (Cohort 2006). “Developing next generation leaders: Christian universities answer the call.” Cover article in December 2008/January 2009 edition of Outcomes published by Christian Leadership Alliance.
  • Kelly Gillerlain (Cohort 2007). “Strategic blunders are not necessarily failures.” Effective Executive, 83-86. September 2008. (with Paul Carr).
  • Mark E. Hardgrove (Cohort 2006). “The Christ hymn as a song for leaders.” Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 2(1), pp. 19-31.
  • William Hunsaker (Cohort 2006). “Servant leadership: A cross-cultural biographic look at leaders as martyrs.” Korea Review of International Studies, 11(1), 51-68.
  • Laurie McCabe (Cohort 2005). “Jesus as agent of change: Transformational and authentic leadership in John 21.” Journal of Biblical Perspectives in Leadership, 2(1), pp. 32-43.
  • Kirk Mensch (Cohort 2004). “Military leader development and autonomous learning: Responding to the growing complexity of warfare.” Human Resources Development Quarterly, 19(3). (with Tim Rahschulte, 2008 Ph.D. alumnus)
  • R. Bruce Moore (Cohort 2005). “Business values affect a business’s priorities.” Idaho Business Review, 29(43), p. 3F; September 15, 2008, focus guest column.
  • Sharon E. Norris (Cohort 2007). “An examination of self-leadership.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(2).
  • Kelly Rouse Riesenmy (Cohort 2007).
    • “The moderating role of follower identification in the relationship between leader andfollower visionary leadership.” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(2).
    • “Mergers and acquisitions: Some paramount concerns for the human resourcedevelopment practitioner.” HRM Review, 14-19. (with Paul Carr)
  • Dennis C. Rittle (Cohort 2006).
    • “Streamlining rich media communications in a non-profit organization: Makingmeetings meaningful.” Journal of Business and Leadership: Research, Practice, &
      Teaching, 4(1).
    • “Talent management or
    • leadership: Some profound considerations for the humanresources practitioner.” HRM Review, 8(10). (with Paul Carr)
    • “Foremost considerations for effective leadership within diversified top managementteams.” Global CEO Journal, 8(5), pp. 29-33. (with Paul Carr)
  • Jon Tomlinson (Cohort 2004). “Of chaos theory and universal coverage.”
  • Bud West (Cohort 2007). “An overview of asynchronous online learning.” In M. Khosrow-Pour (Ed.), Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology (2nd ed.), Volume VI, pp. 2948-2952. Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference. (with Mihai Bocarnea)

Academic Presentations

4th Annual Business and Leadership Symposium – September 29-30, 2008; Fort Hays State University, KS

  • Dennis C. Rittle (Cohort 2006). “Streamlining rich media communications in a non-profit organization: Making meetings meaningful.”

Midwest Academy of Management 2008 Annual Conference – October 2-4, 2008; St. Louis, MO

  • Valerie Arguello (Cohort 2007), Waldo Best (Cohort 2007), and Loventrice Farrow (Cohort 2007). “Informal communications in organizations: The grapevine.”
  • Michelle Vondey (Cohort 2007). “Effect of follower self-concept and self-determination on organizational citizenship behavior from a servant leadership context.”
  • Ronald Cook (Cohort 2007). “Implications of social constructivism for leaders.”

Southern Management Association 2008 Meeting, Doctoral Student Consortium – October 29-November 1, 2008; St. Pete Beach, FL

  • Roger Givens (Cohort 2007) received a $500 stipend from the SMA to attend the Annual Doctoral Consortium.

Northeastern Association of Business Economics and Technology, 31st Annual Meeting – October 30-31, 2008; State College, PA

  • Tracy Porter (Cohort 2007). “An exploration of the relationship between motivation and the intention to stay in a higher education program.”
  • David Hartley (Cohort 2007). “Closing the loop: Assurance of learning and organizational learning in business education.”

Christian Business Faculty Association, November 6-9, Indianapolis, IN

  • Jeff Hale (Cohort 2003).
    • “A philosophical inquiry into the meaning of leading organizations in chaotic timesthrough an application of Ricoeur’s interpretation theory to John’s apocalypse.” (firstchapter of his dissertation selected for presentation in CBFA’s DissertationShowcase)
    • “Virtual teaching through asynchronous dialog: A self-evaluated experience.”

American College Unions International (ACUI) – November 7-9, 2008; Springfield, MO

  • Alina Lehnert (Cohort 2005). “Maximizing strengths based development for your staff, students and yourself.”

International Leadership Association Conference – November 12-15, 2008; Los Angeles, CA

  • Jay Gary (Cohort 2004). “Assessing Wilber’s model of integral leadership.”
  • Alina Lehnert (Cohort 2005). “Facilitating leadership: A discussion of effective educational tools and tactics that develop 21st century leaders.”
  • Melissa McDermott (Cohort 2004). “Culture and leadership in transition: Comparing perceptions of cultural values, cultural practices, and leadership preferences across generations.”
  • Jan Spencer (Cohort 2006). “Spiritual leadership and St. Francis: Integrating ancient insights with contemporary practice for greater productivity.”

2008 May – August

Academic & Popular Press Publications

  • G. R. Bud West (Cohort 2007). “An alternative method to investigate organizational effectiveness: An adaptation and expansion of Robert Terry’s model,” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(1).
  • John P. Smith, II (Cohort 2007). “Acts 2: spirit-empowered leadership,” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(1).
  • Michael Patrick (Cohort 2004). “The leadership aesthetics of Saint Francis of Assisi,” Inner Resources for Leaders, 1(2).
  • Kelly Riesenmy (Cohort 2007). “Mergers and acquisitions,” HRM Review, August 2008. (with Paul Carr)
  • Michelle Vondey (Cohort 2007). “Follower-focused leadership: Effect of follower self-concepts and self-determination on organizational citizenship behavior,” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(1).
  • Robert B. Van Engen (Cohort 2007). “Metaphor: A multifaceted literary device used by Morgan and Weick to describe organizations,” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(1).
  • Roger J. Givens (Cohort 2007). “Transformational leadership: The impact on organizational and personal outcomes,” Emerging Leadership Journeys, 1(1).

Academic Presentations

Annual Roundtables of Contemporary Research & Practice – May 16-17, 2008, Regent University, Virginia Beach, VA

  • Catherine Self (Cohort 2005).
    • “Incarnational leadership as reflected in St. Clare’s third letter to Agnes: A sensory-aesthetic study.”
    • “The leadership of Jesus: A literature review and research proposal.”
  • David Wright (Cohort 2005). “The leadership of Jesus in the succession process of the disciples: A dual focus of servanthood in small groups.”
  • Dennis Rittle (Cohort 2006). “Managing the conflict from within: A spiritual model.”
  • G. R. Bud West (Cohort 2004).
    • “Servant leadership and organizational outcomes: Relationships in United States andFilipino higher educational settings.” (with Mihai Bocarnea)
    • “Implications for leadership in the evaluation of Scripture: An ideological review ofMatthew 8:5-13.”
  • Jan Spencer (Cohort 2006). “Peter: A phenomenology of leadership.”
  • Jane Waddell (Cohort 2005). “Is emotional intelligence related to servant leadership attribution?”
  • Jody Hirschy (Cohort 2007). “Servant leadership: A case study of Jamaica Link Ministries.”
  • Joel Baldomir (Cohort 2007). “Servant leadership as a model for unifying first and second generation Chinese American churches.”
  • Louis Morgan (Cohort 2005).
    • “Beyond serving others: Continual self-sacrifice as normative Christianity.”
    • “The admonitions of St. Francis: Implications for servant and transformationalleaders.”
  • Matthew Earnhardt (Cohort 2007). “Testing a servant leadership theory among United States military members.”
  • Randy Poon (Cohort 2006). “Emotional intelligence and engagement – Exploring definitions and the relationship between the constructs.”
  • Vivian Petties (Cohort 2007). “A biblical perspective on women in leadership: A fresh look at I Timothy 2:8-15.”
  • William Hunsaker (Cohort 2006). “Spiritual leadership in a South Korea cultural context.”

First Global Servant Leadership Research Roundtable – July 9-11 2008, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, the Netherlands

  • G. R. Bud West (Cohort 2004). “Servant leadership constructs as antecedents of organizational commitment and job satisfaction in the Philippines.” (with Mihai Bocarnea and Dioscoro P. Marañon)

Eighth International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations – 5-8 August, 2008, Cambridge University, Cambridge, United Kingdom

  • Jan Spencer (Cohort 2006). “Knowledge, culture, service, and “The next”: An excursion forward into neo-organizational structures.”