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Regent University to Host Inaugural Conference for Renewal Theology

VIRGINIA BEACH, VA (June 5, 2024) – The Regent University School of Divinity is hosting the Conference for Renewal Theology on Saturday, November 2, from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the Virginia Beach campus. For this inaugural event, the conference theme will be The God Who Renews (Revelation 21:5).

Dr. Craig S. Keener

“Even as the world shifts and humans bend, God’s eternal truth doesn’t change,” said Corné J. Bekker, Dean of the School of Divinity at Regent University. “This conference offers faithful theological research and exploration rooted in the unchanging Word of God to renew, nourish, and empower the Christian community of faith. In a world of moral drift and theological compromise, the Gospel of Christ stands firm as God’s good news for salvation, renewal, and the transformation of our world. The Conference for Renewal Theology is about the recapture, affirmation, and proclamation of God’s renewing power in the name of Jesus and the power of His Spirit for our troubled times.”

Dr. Mark A. Jumper

Renewal Theology is the exploration, formulation, and proclamation of the renewal of the Church through the loving-kindness and holiness of God, the eternal Father, in the death and resurrection of the Son, Jesus Christ, and the renewing power of the Holy Spirit. As J. Rodman Williams (1918-2008), the noted Renewal Theologian, remarked: “The concern of Renewal Theology in every area of study is truth. This is not an attempt to advance a particular cause but to understand in totality what the Christian faith proclaims. It is not only a matter of individual doctrines but also of the full round of Christian truth.”

Plenary speakers for the conference include Dr. Craig S. Keener, Professor of Biblical Studies at Asbury Theological Seminary and Dr. Mark A. Jumper, Associate Professor and Director of Chaplaincy and Military Affairs at Regent University School of Divinity.

Organizers are now accepting conference proposal submissions discussing theological research and exploration. Titles and abstracts of up to 500 words must be submitted to by August 2 for presentation consideration.

To learn more or register for the Conference of Renewal Theology, visit

About Regent University

Founded in 1977, Regent University is America’s premier Christian university, with more than 13,000 students studying on its 70-acre campus in Virginia Beach, Virginia, and online around the world. The university offers associate, bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees in more than 150 areas of study, including business, communication and the arts, counseling, cybersecurity, divinity, education, government, law, leadership, nursing, healthcare, and psychology. Regent University has been ranked the #1 Best Accredited Online College in the United States (, 2020), the #1 Safest College Campus in Virginia (YourLocalSecurity, 2021), and the #1 Best Online Bachelor’s Program in Virginia for 12 years in a row (U.S. News & World Report, 2024).
