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Regent University & Canvas

Excellence, Innovation, Integrity. These values are central to Regent and have guided the university since its founding over 40 years ago.

Regent has pursued these values in all areas, including our use of technology. We were early adopters of online learning and have been using a learning management system (LMS) for over 20 years. While many institutions have followed in this space, Regent has led.

Regent continues its tradition of excellence, innovation, and integrity by introducing a new LMS: Canvas by Instructure. Canvas is the number one online learning platform in North America, offering a user experience that is simple, engaging, open and reliable. Its mobile app is second to none, and the platform’s flexibility invites innovation and creativity.

Moreover, Canvas is a proactive system, notifying users of upcoming events and requirements, and, in so doing, placing instructors and students (rather than the LMS) at the center of teaching and learning. This alignment of values between Instructure and Regent really matters. Regent is also partnering with K16, a third-party expert in LMS migrations, to prepare the Regent community for the launch of Canvas in August 2023. Work has begun, and the Regent Canvas Project Team looks forward to supporting and guiding faculty, staff, administrators, and students throughout the university to make this endeavor a success.

Of course, there will be many questions about the transition to Canvas. Please send your questions, suggestions, or concerns you wish to share to

Learning Management System (LMS) Migration Timeline*

Fall 2022

Jul – Aug 15

Pre-Migration Process:

  • Contract signed with Canvas
  • Migration/implementation process kick-off
  • Take inventory of the Master Courses
  • Completion of Master Course “status” review by August 15th

Aug 16 – Nov

Course Migration Process:

  • Segment Master Courses into 3 batches for migration
  • Course migration process begins with K16

Nov – Dec

  • Checklists are provided to Schools/Colleges to review the migrated courses
  • Courses reviewed for quality issues
  • Selection of Pilot Courses (soft launch) for Session D
  • Faculty Champions or early adopters identified for the pilot program


  • Offer Canvas training for Faculty Champions and early adopters
  • Schools/Colleges will continue to review the migrated courses

Spring 2023

Jan – Feb

  • Training offered for all faculty and applicable staff

Mar – Apr

  • Pilot courses are offered in Canvas
  • Summer/Session E & F faculty will have access to their course(s) for review

Summer 2023


  • Feedback aggregated from pilot program participants
  • All Summer courses for School of Divinity (SOD) offered in Canvas
  • Additional Canvas webinars offered to Regent Community


  • Onsite training sessions provided by Instructure and IT TLTS

Fall 2023

Aug & Fall

  • Blackboard access for students will end on August 19
  • Blackboard access for faculty will end on August 28
  • All courses taught exclusively on Canvas

*Initial draft; subject to adjustments

The university had to upgrade our online learning platform in order to keep pace with technology, maintain software support, and improve the user experience, particularly in the mobile domain.

Over the course of several months, Regent considered various platforms, narrowing the choices for our upgrade to Blackboard Ultra and Canvas. Both Learning Management Systems (LMS) platforms are significantly different from Regent’s current version of Bb and would require comparable migration efforts. Representatives from Information Technology (IT), Academic Affairs (AA), and academics met on a number of occasions to view product demos, participate in Q&A with vendors, discuss pros and cons of the platforms, and strategize about the implementation process for a new LMS. This analysis led to a unanimous decision by the group to migrate to Canvas.

Yes. Non-academic units who utilize Bb will also migrate their courses and organizations to Canvas.

Information Technology (IT), Teaching & Learning Technology Support (TLTS), and Academic Affairs (AA) will be leading the project in collaboration with representatives within the academic units.

Yes. There are a number of steps involved in this migration process. The first step is to identify the master shells/courses that represent the best version of each course. This process will be managed by the deans in each school/college and has a due date of August 15. Once identified, these courses will be converted by a third-party vendor, K16, in cooperation with Regent and Canvas; this process will take several months. View the Learning Management System (LMS) migration timeline.

Yes, the Regent Canvas Project Team will reach out to the colleges/schools/offices about their organizations soon. In the meantime, it would be very helpful if you proactively let the team know about your organizations. Please send an email to

A third-party vendor, K16, will help Regent with course migration. After the master shells/courses have been identified, K16 will migrate Blackboard course content from these courses into Canvas. K16 will work closely with the Regent Canvas Project Team to make every effort to migrate each piece of your course content as cleanly and completely as possible. In some instances, the content won’t be able to be converted exactly requiring post-migration review and editing. As such, quality checks by support staff and academic units will be conducted. TLTS has created a master shell checklist to assist in this process. More details will be available through your school/college administrators.

In addition to migration services, K16 will archive all Blackboard courses and organizations (including content, student data and grades) through the end of our Blackboard contract. The process for accessing this information will be available soon.

The current plan specifies that courses will start being offered in Canvas in Spring 2023 (D Session). These first courses will serve as pilot projects, with additional courses coming online in Summer 2023. During this pilot period, faculty and students may have courses in both Bb and Canvas. For Fall 2023, all Regent courses will be offered only in Canvas.

There is a possibility of having courses in both Blackboard and Canvas in Spring/Summer 2023. By Fall 2023, all courses will be offered on Canvas.

Faculty who are responsible for reviewing migrated courses will have access to the production Canvas system by late Fall 2022/early Spring 2023 and all faculty will have access to a test “sandbox” course to assist with training by early Spring 2023. Members of the transition team, including trainers, will have access to a sandbox course in Fall 2022.

If the course will be offered prior to Fall 2023, it will have to be developed in Bb and then imported later into Canvas. Any new courses that will be offered in Fall 2023 for the first time should be developed in Canvas during the months preceding the LMS launch. Please consult your dean and/or the Canvas Project Team regarding new course development.

Blackboard will continue to be used through Summer 2023. In Fall 2023, all courses will be taught on Canvas, and no live courses will be on Blackboard. Faculty and staff will be able to access Blackboard until August 28, 2023 to download materials they would like to keep; students will have until August 19. Administrators who process accreditation or regulatory reports may require access to courses or student data beyond August 28, 2023. For this purpose, we have secured the services of K16 to archive all the existing courses. IT will convert Bb course files into Canvas, as needed.

Faculty and staff will have access to their Blackboard content until August 28, 2023. Students will have access until August 19. At that point, Blackboard will no longer be available. We encourage students, faculty, and staff to download and save any materials they would like to keep. For accreditation and other reporting requirements, IT will have access to up to 50k “archived” Bb courses. Only IT will be able to restore those archived courses and related data. The courses will be restored to Canvas, and responsible parties will be given access to them, as needed. Please consult your dean and/or the Canvas Project Team regarding accreditation-related data archiving processes.

Panopto, Respondus, Zoom, LTI, 3rd party tools, and content publisher integrations will work with Canvas seamlessly. SafeAssign will be replaced with TurnitIn.

Zoom and Panopto recordings created within Bb courses will be relinked in their respective courses in Canvas as part of the K16 migration process. Collaborate is a Bb proprietary product, and the content will not be migrated over to Canvas. If instructors would like to use their recorded content within Canvas, they will have to download the content and reload it into Panopto or Brightcove.

Content created using prominent publishers (such as McGraw Hill, Pearson MyLab, etc.) will be relinked and available within your respective course(s).

For faculty, continue to monitor your email for LMS project updates, announcements, and other important information. In addition, check the Regent Canvas website often for new information. You can also submit questions to the Canvas Project Team through email at

Canvas is compliant with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA).

Canvas had the top rating in Student Disability Services’ evaluation. Canvas also has a strong commitment to accessibility, and more information can be found on the “What are the Canvas accessibility standards?” page.

Canvas’s mobile experience was one of the main reasons it was chosen as the new LMS and has been highly rated by students, faculty and administrators.

Instructors can create as many assignment groups as necessary to accomplish variations of weighting. Please view the How Do I Weight the Final Course Grade Based on Assignment Groups? and How Do I Create Rules for an Assignment Group? pages in the Canvas Guides. TLTS has also created a document to help instructors navigate Canvas’s weighted assignments function.

Canvas uses TurnItIn to detect plagiarism and educate students regarding appropriate citation and referencing techniques. For more information, click here for faculty support and here for student support.

Canvas has many of the same features as Blackboard, but not all. There are some new features and some familiar ones, such as discussions, groups, gradebook, modules, etc. Please refer to the Blackboard-Canvas Equivalency Chart below, which compares the features and provides links and information for each. Videos demonstrating the differences between Canvas and Blackboard are also available on the TLTS YouTube channel.

Blackboard Equivalent in Canvas How To Guide What’s Different in Canvas
Announcements Announcements What are Announcements?

Announcements Overview (Video)

How do I add an announcement in a course?
  • Students can comment and reply (if allowed by the instructor)
Course Content Link/Page Modules What are Modules?

Modules: Creation & Management (Video)
  • Can set Module prerequisites and Module completion requirements.
  • Can require students to go through Module requirements sequentially.
Assignments Assignments What are Assignments?

Assignments Overview (Video)

How do I create an assignment?
  • Newly created Assignments are automatically added to the Assignment page, Syllabus, and Calendar.
  • If Assignment due date(s) are updated, then all the associated links are updated.
  • Instructors can limit the type of file allowed to be uploaded.
Discussion Board/Forum Discussions What are Discussions?

Discussions Overview (Video)

How do I create a Discussion?
  • Discussions are seamlessly integrated into Group Pages.
Groups Groups What are Student Groups?

Groups: Creation & Management (Video)

How do I automatically create groups?
  • Very similar to Blackboard
Collaborate Ultra Studio Canvas Studio Overview
  • Canvas uses Canvas Studio which allows students and instructors to upload, create, edit, manage, share, and discuss with audio and video files.
Course Calendar Calendar What is the Calendar?

Calendar Overview (Video)

How do I use the Calendar?
  • Calendar items will be listed in the Syllabus page automatically.
  • Calendar is automatically populated with items that have Due Dates.
  • Instructors and students can view multiple course calendars in one view.
  • The calendar has a scheduling tool.
Rubrics Rubrics What are Rubrics?

Rubric Overview (Video)

How do I add a rubric to an assignment?
  • Ability to add media feedback and integration with SpeedGrader interface.
Tests, Surveys, and Pools Quizzes What are Quizzes?

Quizzes Overview (Video)
  • “Hot Spot” question type
Grade Center Grade Book What are Grades and the Gradebook?

Gradebook Overview (Video)

How do I use the Gradebook?
  • Students can enter “What-If” grades to calculate hypothetical grades
  • Students can message instructor within the grade column.
Plagiarism Tool
Plagiarism Tool
More details will be posted!
  • Turnitin will replace SafeAssign as the University antiplagiarism tool.
Contacts/Users People People Overview (Video)  
Send Mail Conversations

  • Private messages appear in your Conversations Inbox; Notifications will push out to Email.  Users can reply from their email or from the Canvas Inbox
  • Comments students make as they turn in work are automatically copied to your inbox.
Attendance Attendance Tool Attendance (Roll Call)  
Notification Dashboard Recent Activity How do I view global activity for all my courses in the Recent Activity Dashboard?
  • Recent Activity Dashboard shows you important recent activities from all of your courses.
Rich Content Editor Rich Content Editor Rich Content Editor (RCE)
  • Several features in Canvas support the Rich Content Editor which enhances the content creation experience. 
Content Collection Files What are Files?

Files: Add Course Content (Video)
  • You can create folders to organize materials; folders can be locked, or items can be locked.
Blackboard App Mobile App IOS Guide

Android Guide
  • Canvas apps allow students more functionality than Blackboard app did.
Evaluation Statistics Tracking New Analytics How do I view Course Analytics?

How do I view analytics of a student?
  • Charts and graphs are easier to read and infer information from
Needs Grading To Do List How do I use the To Do list?
  • The sidebar contains a “To Do list” that helps you know what assignments and events are coming up in all of your courses.

The following features are available in Canvas but were not in Blackboard.

Blackboard Equivalent in Canvas How To Guide What’s Different in Canvas
No Equivalent Syllabus How do I use the Syllabus?

How do I edit the Syllabus in a course
  • Connected to course calendar.
  • Provides organizational view of course based on assignment and quiz due dates.
No Equivalent Recording Audio/Video How do I record media using the Rich Content Editor?
  • Audio and video can be recorded anywhere the Rich text Editor is located.
No Equivalent SpeedGrader What is SpeedGrader?

SpeedGrader Overview (Video)
  • Record audio and video feedback for each student assignment.
  • Use speech-to-text to give feedback.
No Equivalent Outcomes How to create an outcome for a course?
  • Outcomes are used to track mastery in a course. From the outcomes page, you can create and manage outcomes, create outcome groups, import outcomes, and manage rubrics.
No Equivalent Support Canvas provides 24/7 Chat, Phone, Email and Online Guides support. Students/Faculty contact Canvas directly.
  • Contact details will be posted soon.

The following features and tools were available in Blackboard but there isn’t a direct equivalent in Canvas. However, a similar or functional workaround is available in Canvas through the following tools.

Blackboard Equivalent in Canvas How To Guide What’s Different in Canvas
Wiki Pages Pages

Pages: Creation and Management (Video)
  • The workaround for wikis. Pages will work with some adjustments. You’ll need to change the permissions of that page to allow students to edit.
Journal Text Assignment Submission Assignments Overview How to use “Text Entry Assignment”
  • Canvas does not have a separate Journal tool. Users are encouraged to create a Text Entry Assignment instead.
Manual Grade Column New Assignment > No Submission How do I create assignmnent columns for non-submission Assignments?
  • You cannot add a manual grade column directly to the Grade Book in Canvas (as you can in Blackboard). You must create a new assignment, and in the “Submission Type” settings, set to “No Submission.”

Yes, Canvas can be configured to manage multiple submissions (designate number of attempts under Assignment settings), and the Gradebook, including an associated rubric, can be utilized to provide feedback for each iterative submission.

However, while overall scores and comments are retained for each draft, the specific rubric entries (scores & comments) are only retained for the most recent iteration. Apparently, this is because the rubric is attached to the assignment itself, rather than any given iteration. Therefore, the Canvas gradebook only stores one completed rubric per assignment rather than storing a completed rubric for each iteration.

Since faculty are basically using their own Regent Zoom accounts, you can control the entry parameters for the streaming session. When you create the Zoom room for the session, you will see two blue boxes checked in the middle of the interface. The “Passcode” and the “Waiting Room” boxes are checked by default. Since Canvas is behind a firewall, you have the option of unchecking the Passcode blue box, and then students will not need to use a passcode to enter the session. The “Waiting Room” forces students to wait until you admit them to the session. If you just want them to enter the session when they login, uncheck the “Waiting room” box. If you uncheck both the “Passcode“ and the “Waiting room” button, you must check the “Only authenticated users can join meetings” button – this will ensure that a student must login to their Regent Zoom account first before they join your session to more securely control access.

After you end your streaming session, the recording will automatically be uploaded to the Zoom cloud storage account reserved for your Zoom account. You will get an email verifying that the recording has been saved. You will also get a link that is the streaming address for the recording. The link is live, so you can send it to people so they can click on it and access the recording. You can also click on the “View Details” button in the email and get options to download an mp4 file of the recording or delete the video recording.

You will have all the support necessary for a successful transition and beyond. To prepare faculty who are responsible for reviewing migrated courses, training resources will be provided in Fall 2022. All faculty will have access to a “sandbox” course to assist with training by early Spring 2023. Members of the transition team, will have early access to Canvas.

Instructure (the makers of Canvas) will also offer training, including the following:

  • Unlimited access to core and advanced on-demand training content via the Training Portal;
  • Six (6) Custom Training Webinar Sessions (up to 90 minutes each);
  • Canvas Training information will be posted to the Canvas Website and email announcements will be sent.

Additional training sessions and workshops will also be provided by Regent TLTS staff. College/School specific training may also be available; check with your dean or other administrators.

Canvas offers many resources on how to use their product. At any time, faculty and students can access these video links or the Canvas Instructor Guide to begin to learn. If you’re looking for a quick introduction, you might consider this five-minute instructor overview video.

Canvas support is provided 24/7 through the Regent Help Desk at 757.352.4076 or

The Regent Canvas website provides a lot of information about Canvas. TLTS also provides additional support resources on their YouTube channel and website. Instructure, the company behind Canvas, also has a robust support community that has numerous articles and instructional videos.