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William Hathaway, Ph.D.
ProfessorSchool of Psychology & CounselingPsychology Department

William Hathaway, Ph.D.


Dr. William Hathaway describes Regent as having provided the ideal setting for him to bring together several different strands of his life. At the completion of his Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Bowling Green State University, while he did not know what shape his final career would take, he felt led by God to pursue multidisciplinary studies in psychology, philosophy and religion.

Not wanting a merely academic faith, Hathaway sought out various opportunities for being involved in ministry during these years, finding service as a youth minister, Christian educator and a founding leader in a college ministry. His clinical training was fleshed out during seven years as an Air Force psychologist. During his time in Germany, he supervised counseling interns for the University of Maryland Master’s Program in Professional Counseling, as well as taught practicum and other counseling courses.

Hathaway left active duty to complete a post-doctoral fellowship in clinical child psychology with Russell Barkley at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center ADHD clinic, the leading research clinic for ADHD. Following his fellowship, Hathaway joined Regent in its new Christian psychology program. Since then, Hathaway has enjoyed the responsibility and privilege of training future psychologists and counselors, calling Regent the ideal community of Christian scholars in which he can continue to pursue his passion for lifelong learning and Christian service.


Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Clinical Child Psychology, University of Massachusetts Medical Center Ph.D. Clinical Psychology, Bowling Green State University M.A. Clinical Psychology, Bowling Green State University M.A. Philosophy, Bowling Green State University B.A. Psychology/Philosophy of Religion, Taylor University Licensure/Certification: Licensed Clinical Psychologist


APA Policy Statements (Co-author with working groups/task forces):

Joint Board of Educational Affairs & Board of Professional Affairs Work Group (2015). "Professional psychologist competencies to serve a diverse public." Policy statement jointly adopted by APA's BEA & BPA.

Board of Educational Affairs Work Group (2013). "Preparing Professional Psychologists to Serve a Diverse Public. A core requirement in Doctoral Education and Training." Policy adopted by APA's BEA.

APA Presidential Working Group (2008). "Resolution on Religious, Religion-Based, and/or Religion-Derived Prejudice." American Psychologist, 63, 431-434.

APA Presidential Working Group (2008). "Resolution on Anti-Semitic and Anti-Jewish Prejudice." American Psychologist, 63, 434-436.

Book/Booklets/Book Chapters:

Hathaway, W.L., & Yarhouse, M.A. (Forthcoming). The integration of psychology and Christianity. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press. Manuscript under contract.

Hathaway, W.L. (2013). "Pathways toward graduate training in the clinical psychology of religion and spirituality: A spiritual competencies model." In K.I. Pargament (Ed.), APA Handbook of Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality: Vol. 2. An Applied Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, (pp. 635-650). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hathaway, W.L., & Childers, J. (2013). "Clinical child assessment of religious/spiritual issues." In D.F. Walker & W. Hathaway, (Eds.). Spirituality oriented interventions in chld and adolescent psychotherapy. (pp. 41-64). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hathaway, W.L. (2013). "Ethics, religious/spiritual issues, and clinical child psychology." In D.F. Walker & W. Hathaway, (Eds.). Spirituality oriented interventions in chld and adolescent psychotherapy. (pp. 17-40). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.

Hathaway, W.L. (2011). "Ethical Guidelines for Using Spirituality Oriented Interventions." In Spiritually Oriented Interventions for Counseling and Psychotherapy. M. Leach , M. McMinn, & E. Worthington. (Eds). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Hathaway, W.L., & Ripley, J. (2009). "Spirituality and Ethics." In Spirituality and the therapeutic process. J. Aten & M. Leach (Eds.), (pp. 25-52). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association Press.

Hathaway, W.L., Dooley-Litfin, J., & Edwards, G. (2006). "Integrating the results of the evaluation: Ten clinical cases." In R. Barkley (Ed.), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment, (3rd). New York: Guilford Press.

Hathaway, W.L., Dooley-Litfin, J., & Edwards, G. (1998). "Integrating the results of the evaluation: Eight clinical cases." In R. Barkley (Ed.), Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment, (2nd Ed.: 312-343). New York: Guilford Press.

Hathaway, W.L. & Pargament, K. (1992). "The religious dimensions of coping: Implications for prevention and promotion." In K.I. Pargment, K.I. Maton, & R.E. Hess (Eds.), Religion and prevention in mental health: Research, vision and action (pp. 129-154). New York: Haworth Press.

Professional Articles:

Wise, E., Bieschke, K.J., Forest, L., Cohen-Filipic, J., Hathaway, W.L. & Douce, L.A. (Forthcoming). "Psychology's proactive approach to conscience clause court cases and legislation." Training and Education in Professional Psychology.

Hathaway, W.L. (2014). "Trainer beliefs, multiculturalism, and the common good." Psychology of Sexual Orientation & Gender Diversity, 1, 98-101.

Hathaway, W.L. (2013). "Theism, Truth, Subjectivity & Psychology." Christian Psychology, 7.

Shaler, L., Hathaway, W.L., Sells, J., & Youngstedt, S. (2013). "Correlates of anger among Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom veterans." Journal of Military & Government Counseling, 1, 136-151.

Hathaway, W.L. (2010). "Faithful skepticism/curious faith." In G. L. Moriarty (Ed.), Integrating faith and psychology: Twelve psychologists tell their stories. Downers Grove, IL: Intervarsity Press.

Hathaway, W.L. (2009). "Principled pluralism-But who is the gatekeeper of the commons?" Edification, 3, 19-20.

Smith, C.L., Johnson, J.L., & Hathaway, W.L. (2009). "Personality contributions to beliefs in paranormal phenomena." Individual Differences Research, 7, 65-96.

Hathaway, W.L., & Tan, E. (2009). "Religiously oriented mindfulness based cognitive therapy." Journal of Clinical Psychology, 65, 158-171.

Hathaway, W.L. (2009). "Clinical use of explicit religious approaches: Christian role integration issues." Journal of Psychology & Christianity. 28, 105-112.

McMinn, M.R., Hathaway, W.L, Wood,, & Snow, K. (2009). "What American Psychological Association leaders have to say about Psychology of Religion & Spirituality." Psychology of Religion & Spirituality, 1.3-13.

Hathaway, W.L. (2008). "Clinical practice with religious/spirituality issues: Niche, proficiency, or specialty." Journal of Psychology & Theology, 35, 16-25.

Hathaway, W.L. (2006). "Religious diversity in the military clinic: Four cases." Military Psychology, 18, 247-57.

Hathaway, W.L. (2005). "Introduction to the special section: Scripture and psychology." Journal of Psychology & Theology, 33, 87-88.

Hathaway, W.L. (2005). "Scripture and psychological science: Integrative challenges & callings." Journal of Psychology & Theology, 33, 89-97

Hathaway, W.L., Scott, S., & Garver, S. (2004). "Assessing religious/spiritual functioning: A neglected domain of practice?" Professional Psychology: Research & Practice, 35, 97-104.

Johnson J.L., & Hathaway, W.L. (2004). "Training Christian practitioner-scholars: The Regent University example." Journal of Psychology & Theology.

Hathaway, W.L. (2004). "Two Paradigms of Clinical Science." Journal of Mind & Behavior. 25, 167-186.

Hathaway, W.L. (2004). "Expanding Horizons for Christian Psychology." Journal of Psychology and Theology, 32, 210-220

Hathaway, W.L., & Barkley, R.A. (2003). "Self regulation, ADHD, & Child Religiousness." Journal of Psychology and Christianity. 22 (2), 101-114.

Hathaway, W.L. (2003). "Integration in clinical child psychology. Introduction to the speical issue." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 22 (2), 99-100.

Hathaway,W.L., Douglas, D., & Grobowski, K. (2003). "Faith Situations Questionnaire: Childhood normative data." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 22 (2), 141-154.

Hathaway, W.L. (2003). "Clinically significant religious impairment." Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 6 (2), 39-55.

Hathaway, W.L. (2003). "Introduction to the Special Issue." Mental Health, Religion & Culture. 6(2)

Scott, S., Garver, S., Richards, J., & Hathaway, W. (2003). "Religious Issues in diagnosis: The V-code and beyond." Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 6(2).

Hathaway, W.L. (2002). "Integration as intepretation: A hermeneutical-realist view." Journal of Psychology and Christianity, 21 (5), 205-218.

Hathaway, W.L. (2001). "Common Sense professional ethics: A Christian appraisal." Journal of Psychology and Theology. 29 (3). 225-234.

Hathaway, W.L. (2001). "Common sense is Not consensus: Professional ethics as marksmanship." Journal of Psychology and Theology, 29 (3), 240-245.

Hathaway, W.L. & Pargament, K. (1991). "The religious dimensions of coping: Implications for prevention and promotion." Prevention in Human Services, 9(2),65-92.

Hathaway, W.L. & Pargament, K. (1990). "Intrinsic religiousness,religious coping & psychosocial competence: A covariance structure analysis." Journal for Scientific Study of Religion. 29(4), 423-441

Pargament, K., Kennell, J., Hathaway, W., Newman, J., Grevengoed, N. & Jones, W. (1988). "Religion and the problem-solving process: Three styles of coping." Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion, 27, 90-104.

Hathaway, W.L. (1986). "Applying philosophy in psychology: Some comments." International Journal of Applied Philosophy, 3(1), 65-68.

Hathaway, W.L. (1985). "Eternity and divine nature." Bulletin of the Evangelical Philosophical Society, 8, 34-48.


Professional Affiliations: American Association for the Advancement of Science American Psychological Association Division: 6: Behavioral Neuroscience & Comparative Psychology; 12: Clinical Psychology; 24: Theoretical & Philosophical Psychology; 36: Psychology of Religion; 53: Clinical Child Psychology American Conference of Academic Deans American Scientific Affiliation Association for Behavioral & Cognitive Therapies ABCT Spirituality & Religious Issues Special Interest Group Association for Psychological Science Christian Association of Psychological Studies International Society for Research on Emotions International Association for a Cognitive Science of Religion Society for Cognitive Neuroscience Professional Service: 2014: Appointment to Executive Committee of CoA 2014-2015: Appointed first liaison from APA's Commission on Accreditation to the Association of State & Provincial Psychology Boards. 2013-2016: Commissioner, filing an open seat on the American Psychological Association's Commission on Accreditation. 2013-present: Co-Chair, Training Committee, APA Commission on Accreditation 2014, April: Virginia Delegate to the annual convention of the Association of State & Provincial Psychology Board, held in San Antonio, Texas. 2012, Oct. Virginia Delegate to the annual convention of the Association State and Provincial Psychology Board, held in San Francisco, CA. 2012-2016: Member, by Gubernatorial Appointment, Virginia Board of Psychology. 2012 Appointed to chair NCSPP's Task force on the APA CoA's G & P Roadmap 2012 Appointed to APA's BEA Working group on Restrictions Affecting Diversity Training in Graduate Education 2011-2016: Division 36 Representative to the Council of Representatives, American Psychological Association 2007-2011 Appointed to the Appeals Pool for the APA Committee on Accreditation. Chaired an appeal panel in this capacity. 1999-Present: Member, APA Division 36 Executive Committee