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Robertson Hall, which houses the law school of Regent University Virginia Beach.
Olya Zaporozhets, Ph.D.
ProfessorSchool of Psychology & CounselingCounseling Department

Olya Zaporozhets, Ph.D.


Dr. Olya Zaporozhets is a professor in the School of Psychology & Counseling at Regent University. Having been an international student herself, Zaporozhetes has a passion for the international community. Through first-hand experience, she has not only made friends with students across the globe, but also has learned about the need in counseling training in many places of the world.

Zaporozhets has diverse clinical experiences, including drug and alcohol treatment as well as having facilitated sexual offender groups and conducted crises work in Ohio. During her internship at a partial hospitalization program, she worked with children, adolescents and their families in the environment of daily crises. She has trained Christian leaders in mental health counseling in Europe and Asia. As a native of Ukraine, Zaporozhets finds conducting a unique cross-cultural supervision project in Ukraine, where Regent counseling students train and supervise local Christian counseling students in their practice, especially rewarding.


Ph.D. Counselor Education & Supervision, The University of Toledo M.A. Counseling, Cincinnati Christian University Specialist Practical Psychology, English Language & Literature, Melitopol State Pedagogical University (Ukraine) Licensure/Certification: Licensed Professional Counselor (VA), Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor (OH), Licensed Chemical Dependency Counselor III (OH), Certified Health Officer in Wood County (OH)


Book Chapters/Monographs

Yarhouse, M. A., Houp, D., Sadusky, J., & Zaporozhets, O. (in press). Christian parents’ experiences of transgender youth during the coming out process. In Sheyma Vaughn (Ed.), Transgender youth: Perceptions, media influences, and social challenges. New York, NY: Nova Science Publishers.

Zaporozhets, O., Piazza, N. & Reynolds, J. (2014). Обрис американського досвіду надання психологічної допомоги підопічним із психічними та поведінковими розладами внаслідок вживання канабіноїдів [Review of the American experience of psychological help to counselees with mental and behavioral disorders caused by the cannabis use] [monograph]. Побудова Cистеми Реабілітації Адиктивних Осіб на Основі Християнської Психології [Building a Rehabilitation System of Addictive Persons based on Christian Psychology], 105-131.

Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

Yarhouse, M., Bucher, E., Zaporozhets, O., Morgan, T., & McRay, B. (in preparation). Youth ministry educators: A survey of interest, knowledge, and experiences with sexual minorities and institutional climate.

Campbell, M., Yarhouse, M. & Zaporozhets, O. (under review). Changes in parent-child relationships and religious views in parents of LGB youth post-disclosure.

Yarhouse, M., Morgan, T., Zaporozhets, O., Bucher, E., & McRay, B. (under review). Youth ministers: attitudes toward and experiences with sexual minorities.

Newmeyer, M., Keyes, B., & Zaporozhets, O., Rubinow, R., & Palmer, K. (2015). Cross-cultural helping initiatives and compassion fatigue phenomena. Наукові Записки Національного Університету "Острозька Академія". Серия "Психологія і Педагогіка". [Scientific Notes of National University "Ostroh Academy". "Psychology and Pedagogy Series."].

Ramsey, L. & Zaporozhets, O. (2015). Windows into families: Using sand tray to assess families post-trauma for counseling in a cross cultural context. Наукові Записки Національного Університету "Острозька Академія". Серия "Психологія і Педагогіка". [Scientific Notes of National University "Ostroh Academy". "Psychology and Pedagogy Series."].

Tan Ping, A. T. & Zaporozhets, O. (2015). Application of Christ-Centered Mindfulness and Acceptance Based Therapy in trauma treatment. Наукові Записки Національного Університету "Острозька Академія". Серия "Психологія і Педагогіка". [Scientific Notes of National University "Ostroh Academy". "Psychology and Pedagogy Series."].

Zaporozhets, O., Fox, C., Beltyukova, S., Laux, J., Piazza, N., & Salyers, K. (2015). Refining change measure with the Rasch model. Measurement and Evaluation in Counseling and Development, 48, 59-74. doi: 10.1177/0748175614544686

Zaporozhets, O., Piazza, N. & Laux, J. (2015). The treatment of substance use disorders in Ukraine. The International Journal for the Advancement of Counseling, 37, 117-123. doi: 10.1007/s10447-014-9231-2

Zaporozhets, O. (2014). Застосування американського досвіду інтенсивного психологічного консультування проблем алко- та наркозалежності в українсткому контексті: зміст, метод і проблеми впровадження [The application of the North-American experience of the intensive outpatient mental health counseling of the alcohol and drug problems in the Ukrainian context: Content, method, and introduction problems] [Special issue]. Наукові Записки Національного Університету "Острозька Академія". Серия "Психологія і Педагогіка". Тематичний Випуск "Реабілітація адиктивних осіб на основі християнської психології" [Scientific Notes of National University "Ostroh Academy". "Psychology and Pedagogy Series." Special Issue "The Rehabilitation of Addictive Persons based on Christian Psychology"], 31, 109-118.

Zaporozhets, O. N. & Viter, O. I. (1999). Философия психолого-педагогического влияния в учебном процессе [Philosophy of Psycho - Pedagogical Influence in the Learning Process]. Scientific-Methodical Journal: Teaching psycho - pedagogical discipline in Technical University: methodology, experience, perspectives. Materials of the First International Conference, 32-34. Kiev, Ukraine: NTUU – KPI.


American Counseling Association (ACA)
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES)
Southern Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (SACES)
Christian Association for Psychological Studies (CAPS)
Virginia Counseling Association (VCA)
The Northwest Ohio Counseling Association (NWOCA), Community Outreach Position
Chi Sigma Iota – Counseling Academic Professional Honor Society, Alpha Omega Chapter (CSI), Treasurer


Outstanding Doctoral Student 2010-2011 from the Department of School Psychology, Legal Specialties and Counseling Education, University of Toledo, Ohio

American Association of Christian Counselors Student Chapter Academic Scholarship, 2011

American Counseling Association Foundation Gerald and Marianne Corey Graduate Student Scholarship, 2010

Bill Keith Award for academic excellence and achievement in the field of Counseling, Cincinnati Christian University, Ohio, 2009