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Peter Gräbe, Doctor Divinitatis

Peter Gräbe, Doctor Divinitatis


Dr. Peter Gräbe did extensive doctoral research at the University of Münster, Germany. As a recipient of a Commonwealth Scholarship for University Faculty Members, he spent six months at the University of Cambridge (U.K.) as a Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall and worked with Prof. Dr. Graham Stanton. Gräbe is a member of the international Society for the Study of the New Testament (SNTS), Society for Biblical Literature (SBL), and Institute for Biblical Research (IBR).

Gräbe came to Regent University from the University of South Africa to start the Ph.D. in Renewal Studies Program. Gräbe has a special interest in distance education and completed the module on distance education in the Diploma for Tertiary Education at the University of South Africa, the Online Instructional Design Certificate from the Center for Teaching and Learning at Regent University, as well as the Certificate on College Teaching, offered by the Virignia Tidewater Consortium for Higher Education.

St. Augustine (354-430 AD) formulated an approach to theology — followed by thousands of scholars through the centuries — with the words credo ut intelligam (“I believe in order to understand.”) This same approach was formulated by Anselm of Canterbury (1033-1109 AD) as fides quaereus intellectum: “faith seeking understanding.” Gräbe considers himself within this tradition of scholars whose theology is based upon faith and a high appreciation for the infallibility of Scripture. Gräbe considers it a great privilege to work with students and prays that the power of God will be a daily reality in their lives and ministries.


Pauline Literature & Theology
New Covenant Theology


B.A., University of Pretoria, South Africa; B.D., University of Pretoria, South Africa; Doctoral Research at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Germany; Post-Doctoral Research at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany and as Visiting Fellow of Clare Hall at the University of Cambridge, United Kingdom; Doctor Divinitatis, University of Pretoria, South Africa



The Power of God in Paul’s Letters. Second Edition. Tübingen: J. C. B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), 2008. (Wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament [WUNT], II/123.)

New Covenant, New Community. The Significance of Biblical and Patristic Covenant Theology for Current Understanding. Carlisle, UK: Paternoster Publishing, 2006.

Der neue Bund in der frühchristlichen Literatur unter Berücksichtigung der alttestamentlich-jüdischen Voraussetzungen, Würzburg: Echter Verlag, 2001. (Forschung zur Bibel [FzB] 96.)

Gräbe, P. J. & Hattingh, W. J. (eds.), The Reality of the Holy Spirit in the Church. In Honour of F. P. Möller. Pretoria: J. L. van Schaik, 1997.

Beleef die Krag van God [Experience the Power of God. An in-depth Bible Study], Vereeniging, South Africa: CUM Books, 2002.

Scholarly Articles:

“The Role of God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit in Paul’s Message of Justification by Faith in Romans” in Gert J. Steyn (ed.), Reflecting on Romans. Biblical Tools and Studies. Leuven, Belgium: Peeters Publishing, 2015.

“‘And he made known to us the mystery of his will …’ Reflections on the eschatology of the letter to the Ephesians,” in J. G. van der Watt (ed.),The Eschatology of the New Testament. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 2011.

“The New Covenant and Christian Identity in Hebrews,” in A Crowd of Witnesses: The Theology of Hebrews in its Ancient Context. Library of New Testament Studies. MacDonald, Nathan (ed.), 118-127. Edingburgh: T & T Clark, 2008.

“… As citizens of heaven live in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ …Perspectives on the ethics of Philippians," in Van der Watt, Jan G. (ed.), Identity, Ethics, and Ethos in the New Testament, pp. 289-302. Beihefte zur Zeitschrift für die neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der älteren Kirche, Band 141. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2006.

“Salvation in Colossians and Ephesians” in Van der Watt, Jan G. (ed.), Salvation in the New Testament. Perspectives on Soteriology. Supplements to Novum Testamentum, Volume 121, 287-304. Leiden, Boston: Brill Academic Publishers, 2005.

“Worship” in the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. Edited by Stanley M. Burgess. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2005.

“Scripture, Holy” in the Encyclopedia of Pentecostal and Charismatic Christianity. Edited by Stanley M. Burgess. Great Barrington, MA: Berkshire Publishing, 2005.

Contribution to a panel of response and reflection essays to Douglas Jacobsen and Rhonda Hustedt Jacobsen's book, Scholarship and Christian Faith: Enlarging the Conversation, Oxford University Press, 2004. PNEUMA: The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies, Volume 27 (1), 124 – 129, 2005.

“The Pentecostal discovery of the New Testament theme of God’s power and its relevance to the African context.” Pneuma. The Journal of the Society for Pentecostal Studies 24/2, 225-242, 2002.

"The new covenant: Perspectives from the Lord’s Supper traditions and from the Pauline letters." Scriptura, 65/2, 153-167, 1998.

"Hermeneutical reflections on the interpretation of the New Testament with special reference to the Holy Spirit and faith,” in Gräbe, P. J. & Hattingh, W. J. (eds), The reality of the Holy Spirit in the church. In honour of F. P. Möller. Pretoria: J. L. van Schaik, 1997.

"Alttestamentliche Voraussetzungen für das Verständnis des Bundesmotivs im Neuen Testament. Teil 2: Forschungsgeschichtlicher Überblick, Fazit und Ausblick" [Old Testament prerequisites for the understanding of the covenant motif in the New Testament. Part 2: Overview of the history of research and conclusion], Hervormde Teologiese Studies [Reformed Theological Studies] 53, 227 256, 1997.

"Alttestamentliche Voraussetzungen für das Verständnis des Bundesmotivs im Neuen Testament. Teil 1: Fragestellung und Bedeutung des Wortes berit " [Old Testament prerequisites for the understanding of the covenant motif in the New Testament. Part I: Formulation of the question and discussion of the meaning of berit], Hervormde Teologiese Studies [Reformed Theological Studies] 53, 209 226, 1997.

"Kainè diathéke in der paulinischen Literatur: Ansätze zu einer paulinischen Ekklesiologie" [Kainè diathéke (the New Covenant) in Pauline literature. Trajectories for a Pauline ecclesiology], in Kampling, R. & Söding, T. (Hg.), Ekklesiologie des Neuen Testaments. Für Karl Kertelge [Ecclesiology of the New Testament. For Karl Kertelge], 267 287. Freiburg/Basel/Wien: Herder, 1996.

"Ecclesiological dimensions of the New Testament message about the new covenant". Paper presented at the joint conference of the "Society for Pentecostal Studies" and the "European Pentecostal Charismatic Research Association,” Mattersey Hall, Near Doncaster, England. Published in the Conference Papers, 1995.

"The all surpassing power of God through the Holy Spirit in the midst of our broken earthly existence: Perspectives on Paul's use of dýnamis in 2 Corinthians." Neotestamentica 28/1, 147 156, 1994.

“Paul's assertion of obedience as a function of persuasion.” Neotestamentica 26/2, 351 358, 1992.

“Dýnamis (in the sense of power) as a pneumatological concept in the main Pauline letters.” Biblische Zeitschrift 36/2, 226 235, 1992.

“The relevance of the Letter to the Hebrews for today – a call to persevere in faith,” in Swanepoel, F. (ed.), Discover the Book Hebrews, 47-52. Pretoria: C. B. Powell Bible Centre.

"Is wonderwerke verstaanbaar? (Die interpretasie van wonderwerke in die Nuwe Testament)" [How should we understand miracles? (The interpretation of miracles in the New Testament)], in Swanepoel, F. A. (ed.), Wonderwerke ... [Miracles ...], 40 46. Pretoria: C.B. Powell Bible Centre, UNISA, 1994.

“Ontvang jou slaaf soos 'n broer! Die etiese reikwydte en ekklesiologiese implikasies van die verbondenheid aan Jesus Christus” [Accept your slave as a brother! The ethical scope and ecclesiological implications of the union with Jesus Christ], in Roberts, J. H., Vorster, W. S., Vorster, J. N. & Van der Watt, J. G. (eds.), Teologie in konteks. Huldigingsbundel aangebied aan professor A. B. du Toit by geleentheid van sy sestigste verjaardag [Theology in context. Commemorative publication presented to professor A. B. du Toit at his sixtieth birthday], 427 439. Halfway House: Orion, 1991.

“Dýnamis (power) in Paul's ministry as portrayed in his main letters.” Nederduitse Gereformeerde Teologiese Tydskrif [Dutch Reformed Theological Journal] 32/2, 201 213, 1991.

“Die verhouding tussen indikatief en imperatief in die Pauliniese etiek: Enkele aksente uit die diskussie sedert 1924" [The relation between indicative and imperative in Pauline ethics: Perspectives from the discussion since 1924]. Scriptura 32, 54 66, 1990.

“Ansatzpunkte für eine Theologie des Neuen Testaments bei Oscar Cullmann und Leonhard Goppelt” [Points of departure for a theology of the New Testament: Oscar Culmann and Leonhard Goppelt], Hervormde Teologiese Studies [Reformed Theological Studies] 46/1, 85 101, 1990.


Invited to present a paper on “Grace in the Assemblies of God Tradition,” at the Empowered 21 (E21) Global Scholars Consultation, a select group of Pentecostal and Charismatic scholars, May 6 – 7, 2016, London, UK.


Assemblies of God (Ordained Minister); International Society for the Study of the New Testament (Studiorum Novi Testamenti Societas: SNTS); Society of Biblical Literature; American Academy of Religion; New Testament Society of South Africa; Society for Pentecostal Studies; Institute for Biblical Research