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Regent University badges can be added to the resumes and Linkedin profiles of students who have earned them.

Regent University Badges

You work hard as a Regent student. Show off your skills with Regent University badges!

Badges represent a significant accomplishment and show that you have achieved a level of mastery in the subject area. You can note the badges on your resume and LinkedIn page to communicate your achievement to employers and other parties.

As you complete courses in your degree program, you’ll automatically earn badges along the way. Badges represent completion of 9 credits in predetermined areas of focus. We’ll email badges to you when you complete the following courses with a grade of B or better.

Biblical Studies & Christian Ministry

The Systematic Theology badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: analyzing, evaluating, and communicating the unity and diversity of theological perspectives among Western Christian traditions; interpreting Scripture and explaining classic Christian doctrines related to revelation, the authority of Scripture, the nature of humanity and creation, and salvation; applying systematic theology to the individual Christian, the Church, and the Christian mission.

  • BIBL 200  Principles of Hermeneutics & Theological Thinking
  • BIBL 331   Systematic Theology I
  • BIBL 332  Systematic Theology II
The Old Testament Biblical Literature badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: reading, interpreting, and applying the Old Testament Scriptures, including the first five books of the Bible, the historical books (Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, 1&2 Chronicles, Ezra, Nehemiah, and Ruth), all of the major prophets, and a selection of minor prophets; examining all texts exegetically, exploring the relationship of these Old Testament texts to the New Testament, and writing cogent analyses of the texts and their application to contemporary life.

  • BIBL 282  Pentateuch
  • BIBL 312   Psalms & Wisdom Literature
  • BIBL 313   Prophets
The New Testament Biblical Literature badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: examining the theological, literary, and cultural background of New Testament books; interpreting and applying the messages of select New Testament passages to the church and modern life.

  • BIBL 255  The Gospels
  • BIBL 314   Pauline Literature
  • BIBL 316   Acts of the Apostles
  • BIBL 318   General Epistles
The Church History badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: critical thinking necessary to evaluate the various movements and ideas (including those within the context of the Catholic Church, the Reformation, and the contemporary church) that have influenced the church, and identifying their influence on Christianity and society; exercising discernment and judgment by engaging with conflicting Christian positions; identifying cults and their departure from orthodox Christian doctrine.

  • BIBL 260  Church History I
  • BIBL 261   Church History II
  • BIBL 370  Contemporary American Cults & Sects
The Fundamentals of Christian Ministry badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: preparation for and preaching of a sermon; preparation of a lesson plan to teach a theological principle to a specific audience; the application of spiritual formation and Christian discipline principles in a group session; the development and implementation of a missionary project in a local church.

  • BIBL 373   Preaching & Teaching the Bible
  • BIBL 410   Spiritual Formation & Christian Discipleship
  • BIBL 440  Christian Mission
The Apologetics badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: examining the Scriptures, properly interpreting them, deriving a proper theological understanding, and applying that understanding to contemporary circumstances; identifying “counterfeit” religions (pseudo- and non-Christian cults); offering a defense of the Truth against objections to Christianity arising from a post-modern, pluralistic cultural context.

  • BIBL 200   Principles of Hermeneutics & Theological Thinking
  • BIBL 301   Apologetics
  • BIBL 370   Contemporary American Cults & Sects
The Missions badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: conducting various Christian activities, such as baptisms, marriages, and funerals; presenting the Gospel to an individual/group in an intercultural context; developing and implementing a biblical theology of missions in a local church setting.

  • BIBL 401   Christian Ministry
  • BIBL 412   Intercultural Evangelism
  • BIBL 440   Christian Mission


The Professional Writing badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: critical-thinking; academic and professional writing and research; presenting cogent arguments; proper use of punctuation, grammar, spelling, and writing mechanics through practice editing sessions, resume writing exercises, and the preparation of professional/business reports, proposals, portfolios, and correspondence.

  • ENGL 102   Research & Academic Writing
  • ENGL 308   Business & Professional Writing
  • ENGL 312   Personal & Professional Editing
The Creative Writing badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: reading, writing, presenting, and story-telling through the preparation and delivery of his/her creative writing; developing and managing a portfolio.

  • ENGL 240   Introduction to Creative Writing
  • ENGL 305   The Art of the Essay
  • Plus (1)    ANIM 210, ENGL 320, ENGL 321, ENGL 326; THEU 314


The Communication Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: critical evaluation of the cultural, aesthetic, and moral implications of different modes of communication, particularly, the human implications of emerging technologies, including digital and social media and interactive marketing; identifying the key theoretical and practical components of human communication and the ways proper understanding can enhance relationships.

  • COMM 215   Foundations of Communication
  • COMM 245  Communication Theory
  • COMM 330  Communicating in the 21st Century
The Organizational Communication badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: working effectively in a group/team environment through effective goal-setting, problem-solving, collaboration, interpersonal communication, and conflict management.

  • COMM 220   Interpersonal Communication
  • COMM 336   Group Communication
  • COMM 345   Organizational Communication for Professionals

General Studies

The Christian Worldview badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: critical evaluation of contemporary cultural issues related to the workplace, art, government, and family; responding with biblical and wise answers to those issues using effective and clear writing.

  • GENE 100   The Making of the Christian Mind
  • GENE 150   The True, the Good, & the Beautiful
  • GENE 250  The Making of the Christian Life
The Academic Writing badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: the ability to write and read well, utilizing proper grammar, spelling, and mechanics in the production of academic research and the evaluation of literature.

  • ENGL 101   English Composition
  • ENGL 102  Research & Academic Writing
  • ENGL 205  Literature of the Western World
The Biblical Essentials badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: the ability to critically think, evaluate and apply biblical principles to various cultural issues and current controversies; communicating different points of view and defending the Christian faith.

  • BIBL 105   Introduction to the Bible
  • BIBL 106   Christian Doctrine
  • BIBL 200  Principles of Hermeneutics & Theological Thinking


The American Government badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: the ability to critically think and write carefully about historical documents and contemporary political questions; locating, sorting, and summarizing key research on policy and politics, supported by a deep understanding of American government including the executive, legislative, and judicial branches.

  • GOVT 240   American Government & Politics I
  • GOVT 245   American Government & Politics II
  • Plus (1)    GOVT 300, GOVT 301, GOVT 302
The International Relations badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: identifying, analyzing, evaluating, and proposing solutions for a significant global problem or challenge; conducting original research and writing about the political structure and culture of a country; trans-national and cross-cultural communication and cooperation.

  • GOVT 305   Contemporary Global Problems
  • GOVT 204   International Relations
  • GOVT 220   Comparative Politics

Criminal Justice

The Corrections System Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: researching, and comparing and contrasting the sources of juvenile delinquent behavior; comparing and contrasting of the juvenile and adult justice systems; identifying and critically evaluating new paradigms for sentencing and corrections and the failings and successes of past and current practices; evaluating and writing about the criminal justice systems of five nations, and comparing and contrasting the benefits and challenges of those systems relative to that of the United States.

  • CRJU 231  Juvenile Justice
  • CRJU 330  Corrections
  • CRJU 430  Comparative Systems of Criminal Justice
The Law Enforcement Administration Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: effectively and appropriately applying criminal law; correctly interpreting applicable case law, US Constitution protections, and requirements related to criminal law; integrating faith and sound ethical principles in the criminal justice system; applying ethics within the context of numerous legal professions (law enforcement, probation and parole officer, prosecuting attorney, defense attorney, judge, institutional correctional officer); employing best practices for supervision and leadership in law enforcement through critical analyses of case studies and written responses.

  • CRJU 345  Criminal Law
  • CRJU 361  Ethics in Criminal Justice
  • CRJU 420  Law Enforcement Organization and Administration


The Psychology Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: researching and writing about the integration of Christianity and psychology and formulating a holistic view of human nature; applying developmental theories to human relationships to improve communication, cooperation, and collaboration.

  • PSYC 102   Introduction to Psychology
  • PSYC 210   Philosophical Foundations
  • PSYC 211    Developmental Psychology
The Research Psychology badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: data collection, research and statistical analysis using statistical software (SPSS) on various data sets, and the ability to accurately and wisely draw conclusions; planning and implementing the experimental method in various contexts, including building a hypothesis, conducting a literature review, devising methods, collecting data, and performing analyses.

  • PSYC 313   Research Methods
  • PSYC 321   Data Analysis
  • PSYC 411    Cognitive Psychology
The Counseling Psychology badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: developing treatment plans that honor and respect clients as human beings; facilitating, leading, and administering group meetings in a clinical setting; conducting practice counseling sessions employing excellent communication, persuasion, motivation skills, and counseling best practices and techniques; demonstrating teachability by openly receiving and responding to feedback and guidance.

  • PSYC 316   Case Management & Treatment Planning
  • PSYC 406  Group Facilitation
  • PSYC 418   Introduction to Counseling Skills

Computer Science

The Computer Science Programming badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: object-oriented programming (C++); analyzing and evaluating data structures and algorithms; computing optimization; presenting research findings.

  • CSCI 314   Programming
  • CSCI 315   Data Structures & Algorithms
  • CSCI 320  Parallel & Distributed Programming
The Computer Science Applications badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: using effective methods of software engineering, programming, project management, and testing; collaboration and teamwork according to commonly-held standards; designing a relational database; developing competencies in mobile computing; leadership through the formulation and defense of an ethical position in different contexts.

  • CSCI 317   Database Fundamentals
  • CSCI 430  Mobile & Smart Computing
  • CSCI 450  Software Engineering


The Systems Security badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: analyzing, researching, writing, and reporting on the current state of the information systems security industry, systems security performance, and the management of information security for government, corporations, and other institutions; preparation for sought after professional certifications.

  • ISYS 331    Information Systems Security
  • ISYS 333   Systems Security
  • ISYS 408   Management of Information Security
The Network Security badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: analyzing, researching, writing, and reporting on the current state of the network and telecommunications industry, specifically in regards to LANs, MANs, WANs, intranets, the Internet, and other relevant technologies; evaluating the effectiveness of network defense and security technologies; designing secure networks and preparing for professional certifications.

  • ISYS 324   Network & Telecommunication Concepts
  • ISYS 336   Internet/Intranet Security
  • ISYS 434   Network Defense & Security

Information Systems Technology

The Information Systems Programming badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: basic and advanced programming; evaluating programming elements to determine the best approach to accomplish a particular task; problem-solving by writing a program to address a specific issue; evaluating different data structures and algorithms in order to identify and utilize more efficient and effective programming design solutions.

  • ISYS 214   Introduction to Programming
  • ISYS 314   Intermediate Programming
  • ISYS 315   Data Structures & Algorithms
The Information Systems badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: identifying the various functional components of computer systems; writing a set of purchase specifications for buying and building a computer; presenting to an audience on a current topic in the information systems field; discerning ethical approaches to privacy and security control issues; evaluating web server hardware and software tools used in the development of an eCommerce site; installation and configuration of IT hardware and software.

  • ISYS 204   Introduction to Information Systems
  • ISYS 304   Information Systems for eCommerce
  • ISYS 321    IT Hardware & Software

Cyber & Digital Forensics

The Digital Forensics badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: employing the tools required by forensic investigators; group work, collaboration and communication; detecting and analyzing malware in the three major operating system platforms and mobile devices.

  • CYBR 320   Operating System Forensics
  • CYBR 340   Malware Forensics
  • CYBR 430   Mobile Forensics


The Engineering Foundations badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: reading, researching, and writing on the types of resources and references that exist in the professional engineering world; evaluating the different engineering life cycle models and applying them to different engineering activities; investigating various engineering management techniques and the ethical codes that are critical to the engineering profession.

  • ENGR 201    Engineering Foundations I
  • ENGR 202   Engineering Foundations II
  • ENGR 310    Engineering Ethics & Profession
The Engineering Methods badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: describing and conveying the way parts of a complex system work together; utilizing state of the art software to communicate engineering design solutions; employing state of the art modelling software to develop models of engineering systems; abstract thinking applied to different problems; mathematical skills related to probability distributions, random variables, conditional probability, data sampling, and other statistical measures.

  • ENGR 220   Systems Thinking & Approach
  • ENGR 230   Modeling, Analysis & Design
  • MATH 301    Probability & Statistics I


The Accounting Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: basic bookkeeping; interpreting financial statements; rendering managerial decisions based on prices, resource allocation, capital investment, and functional business areas; auditing financial statements; writing professional reports.

  • ACCT 205   Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 211    Managerial Accounting
  • ACCT 330   Auditing
The Business Analysis Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: conducting research on a business intelligence tool and describing how the tool is advancing the business and can be used ethically in the marketplace; conducting financial analysis, forecasting, and asset management; computing and solving complex financial problems, including rates of return and the value of financial instruments; performing statistical data analysis to assess trends and outliers, and lower investment risk.

  • BUSN 280   Introduction to Business Analytics
  • BUSN 320   Financial Management
  • BUSN 340   Business Statistics
The Management Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: teamwork, decision-making, problem-solving, and making a persuasive and values-based argument; communicating effectively in a group environment through the application of personality profile inventories, management style analysis, and Christian principles.

  • BUSN 250    Business Leadership & Communication
  • MGMT 280   Principles of Management
  • MGMT 370   Decision-Making
The Economics badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: decision-making made in the face of uncertainty by engaging an everyday problem/issue and proposing solutions through the use of economic analytical tools (cost-benefit analysis, incentive effects, asymmetric information problems); critical-thinking in evaluating market challenges (risk, uncertainty, income distribution); applying macroeconomic principles and models to the problem of poverty in a developing country and offering solutions.

  • ECON 120   Microeconomics
  • ECON 230  Macroeconomics
  • Plus (1)   Economics 290, 320, 360, 380
The Human Resource Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: acquiring, developing, and terminating employees; developing a training program for new employees, aligning employee needs with organizational goals; decision-making through a wise, proper and ethical process for termination; legal case study analysis related to human resource activities.

  • MGMT 210   Fundamentals of HRM
  • HRMT 330   Employment Law
  • Plus (1)   HRMT 220, 250, 260, 340, 350, 470
The Marketing Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: applying four segmentation strategies to identify target markets for different products and services, and employing techniques to expand appeal to the target audience through the 4Ps of marketing; planning, organizing, implementing, and evaluating a marketing campaign based on Christian values.

  • BUSN 240   Marketing Principles
  • Plus (2)    MKTG 210, 250, 260, 320, 330, 340, 410, 430
The Business Law and Policy badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: developing a business plan for a new business launch, integrating concepts and regulations related to marketing, finance, business law, and government oversight.

  • BUSN 110    Introduction to Business
  • BUSN 370   Business Law
  • MGMT 440  Business Policy
The International Business badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: developing a business plan for a new international business launch, integrating principles related to marketing, operations, finance, and HR, including SWOT analysis and PESTEL summary; analytical skills developed through the application of business and industry metrics to recommend strategic directions; presentation skills in presenting business recommendations.

  • BUSN 110     Introduction to Business
  • BUSN 460   International Business
  • BUSN 470   Strategic Management
The Management Information Systems badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: conducting research on a business intelligence tool, and describing how the tool is advancing the business and can be used ethically in the marketplace; writing an analysis exploring the different types of dashboards organizations utilize to solve their business problems and make data-driven decisions; identifying the nine states of the big data analytics lifecycle; utilizing Excel to manipulate data to facilitate decision-making; presenting findings to a company’s leadership.

  • BUSN 280   Introduction to Business Analytics
  • BUSN 392   Introduction to Big Data
  • BUSN 420   Management Information Systems


The Leadership Fundamentals badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: self-evaluative skills by developing a leadership profile based on various leadership theories and concepts, including transactional, transformational, and servant leadership; interviewing skills developed through the process of interviewing and evaluating a leader and integrating leadership theories to determine how people become leaders; critical analysis of leaders to determine successful leadership behaviors and skills, including teachability, from their success and failure; developing personal decision-making model for ethical leadership and applying to real-life situations.

  • LDST 201    Survey of Leadership
  • LDST 250   Study of Great Leaders
  • LDST 330    Ethics
The Organizational Leadership badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: designing and creating a multi-media presentation and communicating ideas through a verbal and visual presentation to constituents; designing an organizational communication model to accurately communicate the vision and objectives of an organization; leading groups/teams in an organizational context; preparing and writing a consultant’s report that offers recommendations to resolve real-world organization issues.

  • LDST 350   Communication & Influence
  • LDST 425   Leading Teams
  • LDST 440   Organizational Dynamics

Teacher Education


The Teaching Stem badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: developing a lesson plan that incorporates effective technology-based instructional strategies; applying algebra, geometry, and trigonometry and their functions to solve problems; preparing for the Praxis math assessment toward licensure; designing a science unit plan aligned with state standards for grades PreK-6, addressing modalities of reading, writing, kinesthetic, auditory, and visual modalities of learning.

  • UIS 350   Technology in Education
  • UIS 412    Topics in Advanced Math
  • UIS 414    Advanced Integrated Science
The Prek-6 Whole Child badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: designing a developmentally-appropriate classroom management plan for the early/elementary classroom; grouping students to facilitate collaborative learning, and enabling all student, including gifted-and-talented students and those with learning disabilities, to thrive in the classroom setting; developing a set of parent resources for children with specific and varied diagnosis and designations of special needs; conducting research and reporting on various special needs designations; critically evaluating and offering solutions related to current trends and issues in education; enhancing communication skills by interviewing an educational professional and reporting on duties and responsibilities of the job.

  • UED 406   Classroom Mgmt & Instructional Strategies
  • UED 451    Characteristics of Students w/ Disabilities
  • UED 441    Child & Adolescent Growth & Development


The Literacy Essentials badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: utilizing research-based teaching practices for integrating reading and language arts across the curriculum; presenting to a class on research; utilizing teamwork to complete a work study project with a lesson plan that introduces, demonstrates, checks, and reflects a word sort based on a specific stage of spelling development; building an instructional plan and resources for a literacy program used in the classroom.

  • UIS 310    Fundamentals of Grammar
  • UED 405  Teaching Reading & Lang Arts Across the Curriculum
  • UED 408  Teaching Reading in Elementary Grades
The Early Childhood Program Operator badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: conducting research project on a topic related to children in crisis and writing a report on the findings; preparing a resource file of 20 children’s books about children’s health needs for instruction; writing an early childhood center policy handbook; researching state standards and regulations for licensed day care and writing a report on the findings; presenting a comprehensive approach to managerial theories from a Christian perspective.

  • UEC 421    Wellness in Childcare Program
  • UEC 446    Administration of Childcare
  • MGMT 280  Principles of Management
The Early Childhood Whole Child badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: evaluating children’s behavior based on developmentally-appropriate principles of child guidance in proactive ways; grouping students to facilitate collaborative learning, and enabling all students, including gifted-and-talented students and those with learning disabilities, to thrive in the classroom setting; developing a set of parent resources for children with specific and varied diagnosis and designations of special needs; conducting research and reporting on various special needs designations; critically evaluating and offering solutions related to current trends and issues in education; enhancing communication skills by interviewing an educational professional and reporting on duties and responsibilities of the job.

  • UEC 406   Guiding Young Children
  • UED 441    Child & Adolescent Growth & Development
  • UED 451    Characteristics of Students w/ Disabilities


The Teaching Methods badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: designing a curriculum unit that integrates secondary grade-level knowledge and skills as outlined in Virginia’s Standards of Learning; writing a position paper on secondary reading integrating reading into a discipline; developing a lesson plan that incorporates effective technology-based instructional strategies.

  • UED 401    Secondary Curriculum Fundamentals
  • UED 444   Content Reading & Differentiation
  • UIS 350    Technology in Education
The Secondary Ed. Whole Child badge of Regent University.


The individual who has earned this badge has demonstrated skills in the following areas: developing strategies to provide instruction effectively while managing the classroom and learning to evaluate how the classroom environment and student behavior affect learning outcomes; grouping students to facilitate collaborative learning, and enabling all students, including gifted-and-talented students and those with learning disabilities, to thrive in the classroom setting; developing a set of parent resources for children with specific and varied diagnosis and designations of special needs; conducting research and reporting on various special needs designations; critically evaluating and offering solutions related to current trends and issues in education; enhancing communication skills by interviewing an educational professional and reporting on duties and responsibilities of the job.

  • UED 407  Classroom Mgmt & Instructional Strategies
  • UED 451   Characteristics of Students w/ Disabilities
  • UED 441   Child & Adolescent Growth & Development